Nurture the Next Generation of Scientists

STEM VR labs for K-12 students

How it works?

Subscribe to XReady Lab

Choose simulations and 3D models for your lesson. Request new topics by completing the form

Book a date for VR class set-up

We train your employees and install a VR class

Technical support

Teachers receive technical support and will be informed of new applications

Still have questions?

01 Is the material of the laboratories synchronized with the school curriculum?

Our laboratories are suitable for children of all countries. We cover the fundamental topics presented in most school programms.

02 We are a school; How can we subscribe?

Please contact our customer support service at or book a call with the team using the link to find out the conditions and book the VR class set up at your school. Book a call

03 What does the subscription consist of?
Subscription to XReadylab interactive VR labs. If you are a school, then you are also given access to the VR classroom system. VR class system helps you easily launch VR lessons for a large number of students, follow the experience of each student, as well as customise the content without developers.
04 What is included in the VR class system?

Broadcast system to track all students of your class on a single screen
The simultaneous launch of laboratories via the web interface
Ability to edit scripts and insert your own methodological content
You can launch the content from other companies in a teacher-friendly format

05 At what age can we use VR headsets?

We adhere to the world’s generally accepted recommendations and research. Our products are suitable for children from 12 years old.

Are the VR simulation materials aligned with the school’s curriculum?

Please get in touch with our customer support at or schedule a consultation to receive detailed information and arrange a Virtual Reality (VR) classroom setup at your school.

XReady Lab offers schools a subscription to gamified interactive VR labs in physics, chemistry, and biology. With this subscription, you gain access to the largest library of interactive VR simulations in STEM, including all new labs.

We also provide you with a VR class management system that allows you to:

  • Monitor each student’s progress
  • Customize content without needing developers
  • Enhance the learning experience with our user-friendly VR class system
