VR Chemistry Lab is the ultimate solution for students and educators to explore complex chemical reactions in a safe, immersive environment.
With the power of virtual reality, students can conduct experiments that would be too dangerous, costly, or logistically challenging in a traditional lab setting. From handling acids and bases to experimenting with salts, this VR simulation enables students to plan, execute, and analyze their experiments independently. Whether conducting qualitative or quantitative analysis, VR Chemistry Lab ensures a deep, engaging learning experience that takes chemistry education to the next level.
Discover the future of science with VR Chemistry Lab!
Become a true creator of the nanoworld with this lab. Change atoms, their color and size, observe how chemical bonds behave when atoms change their coordinates. Learn the concept of a unit cell and build ever more complex structures!
Get a unique opportunity to observe the real crystal structure of huge range of materials from all sides, from simple salt to unique apatites. Inside of the laboratory, you will learn about the Poscar data type, in which scientists around the world store information about a structures and you will learn by yourself the complex three-dimensional shape of the crystal lattice.
Are the VR simulation materials aligned with the school’s curriculum?
Please get in touch with our customer support at support@xreadylab.com or schedule a consultation to receive detailed information and arrange a Virtual Reality (VR) classroom setup at your school.
XReady Lab offers schools a subscription to gamified interactive VR labs in physics, chemistry, and biology. With this subscription, you gain access to the largest library of interactive VR simulations in STEM, including all new labs.
We also provide you with a VR class management system that allows you to:
- Monitor each student’s progress
- Customize content without needing developers
- Enhance the learning experience with our user-friendly VR class system