Cambridge Biology (Science/Biology)
IB (Science/Biology)
- Middle Years Programme: Microorganisms, Biochemistry: Nutrition/digestion
- Diploma Programme: Ultrastructure of cells (core)
National curriculum in England (Biology)
- Key stage 3: Cells and organisation
- Key stage 4: Cell biology
Indian curriculum CBSE (Science/Biology)
- Secondary stage (classes 9-10): Cell Structure and Function
- CBSE Class 12 board exam: Cell – the unit of life
National curriculum of the Netherlands (Biology)
- VMBO (klas 3/4): Planten
- HAVO (klas 4/5): Celbiologie
- VWO (klas 4/5/6): Celbiologie
Scuola secondaria in Italia (Biologia)
- Scuola secondaria di primo grado: Struttura e funzione della cellula vegetale (classe 3)
- Scuola secondaria di secondo grado: Struttura e funzione della cellula vegetale (classe 2/3)
Next-Generation Science Standards (Life Sciences)
- MS (From Molecules to Organisms: Structures and Processes)
Aims: To research the plant cell and its components.
Topics covered in the application:
- What does a plant cell look like?
- What organelles are present in a plant cell?
- What are the functions of the organelles in a plant cell?
- Which organelle breakdowns would be more or less critical for a plant cell?
Abstract: The student is invited to dive into this virtual space and study a plant cell from the inside. The student learns the location of plant cell organelles, their external structure and some features of the internal structure. While completing the tasks, the student will be able to find out what functions the organelles perform, and what a breakdown of one or another organelle can lead to.
Cambridge (Science/Biology)
IB (Science/Biology)
- Middle Years Programme: Microorganisms, Biochemistry: Nutrition/digestion
- Diploma Programme: Ultrastructure of cells (core)
National curriculum in England (Biology)
- Key stage 3: Cells and organisation
- Key stage 4: Cell biology
Indian curriculum CBSE (Science/Biology)
- Secondary stage (classes 9-10): Cell Structure and Function
- CBSE Class 12 board exam: Cell – the unit of life
National curriculum of the Netherlands (Biology)
- VMBO (klas 3/4): Celbiologie
- HAVO (klas 4/5): Celbiologie
- VWO (klas 4/5/6): Celbiologie
Scuola secondaria in Italia (Biologia)
- Scuola secondaria di primo grado: Struttura e funzione della cellula animale (classe 3)
- Scuola secondaria di secondo grado: Struttura e funzione della cellula animale (classe 2/3)
Next-Generation Science Standards (Life Sciences)
- MS (From Molecules to Organisms: Structures and Processes)
Aims: To research the animal cell and its components.
Topics covered in the application:
- What does an animal cell look like?
- What organelles are present in an animal cell?
- What are the functions of the organelles in an animal cell?
- Which organelle breakdowns would be more or less critical for an animal cell?
Abstract: The student is invited to dive into this virtual space and study an animal cell from the inside. The student learns the location of animal cell organelles, their external structure and some features of the internal structure. While completing the tasks, the student will be able to find out what functions the organelles perform, and what a breakdown of one or another organelle can lead to.
Cambridge (Biology)
IB (Science/Biology)
- Middle Years Programme: Microorganisms, Biochemistry: Nutrition/digestion
- Diploma Programme: Ultrastructure of cells (core)
National curriculum in England (Biology)
- Key stage 4: Cell biology
Indian curriculum CBSE (Science/Biology)
- Secondary stage (classes 9-10): Cell Structure and Function
- CBSE Class 12 board exam: Cell – the unit of life
National curriculum of the Netherlands (Biology)
- VMBO (klas 3/4): Micro-organismen
- HAVO (klas 4/5): Micro-organismen
- VWO (klas 4/5/6): Micro-organismen
Scuola secondaria in Italia (Biologia)
- Scuola secondaria di primo grado: Struttura e funzione della cellula fungina (classe 3)
- Scuola secondaria di secondo grado: Struttura e funzione della cellula fungina (classe 2/3)
Next-Generation Science Standards (Life Sciences)
- Recommended for MS (From Molecules to Organisms: Structures and Processes)
Aims: To research the fungus cell and its components.
Topics covered in the application:
- What does a fungus cell look like?
- What organelles are present in a fungus cell?
- What are the functions of the organelles in a fungus cell?
- Which organelle breakdowns would be more or less critical for a fungus cell?
Abstract: The student is encouraged to explore a virtual space that provides an inside view of a fungus cell. Through this immersive experience, the student can identify the location and external structure of each organelle present within the cell, as well as gain insight into some of their internal features. By completing various tasks within this virtual environment, the student will also discover the specific functions performed by each organelle and the potential consequences of their malfunction.
Cambridge (Biology)
IB (Science/Biology)
- Middle Years Programme: Microorganisms, Biochemistry: Nutrition/digestion
- Diploma Programme: Ultrastructure of cells (core)
National curriculum in England (Biology)
- Key stage 4: Cell biology
Indian curriculum CBSE (Science/Biology)
- Secondary stage (classes 9-10): Cell Structure and Function
- CBSE Class 12 board exam: Cell – the unit of life
National curriculum of the Netherlands (Biology)
- VMBO (klas 3/4): Micro-organismen
- HAVO (klas 4/5): Micro-organismen
- VWO (klas 4/5/6): Micro-organismen
Scuola secondaria in Italia (Biologia)
- Scuola secondaria di primo grado: Struttura e funzione della cellula batterica (classe 3)
- Scuola secondaria di secondo grado: Struttura e funzione della cellula batterica (classe 2/3)
Next-Generation Science Standards (Life Sciences)
- Recommended for MS (From Molecules to Organisms: Structures and Processes) / Bacterial cell is not covered in NGSS; The simulation can be used as an additional one in MS-LS1 From Molecules to Organisms: Structures and Processes
Aims: To research the bacterial cell and its components.
Topics covered in the application:
- What does a bacterial cell look like?
- What organelles are present in a bacterial cell?
- What are the functions of the organelles in a bacterial cell?
- Which organelle breakdowns would be more or less critical for a bacterial cell?
Abstract: The student is invited to explore a virtual space that provides an inside view of a bacterial cell. Through this immersive experience, the student can identify the location of each organelle present within the cell. By completing various tasks within this virtual environment, the student will also discover the specific functions performed by each organelle and the potential consequences of their malfunction.
Cambridge (Biology)
IB (Biology)
- Diploma Programme: DNA replication, transcription, and translation (core)
National curriculum in England (Biology)
- Key stage 4: Cell biology
Indian curriculum CBSE (Science/Biology)
- Secondary stage (classes 9-10): Molecular Basis of Inheritance
- CBSE Class 12 board exam: Molecular Basis of Inheritance
National curriculum of the Netherlands (Biology)
- VMBO (klas 3/4): DNA en genetica
- HAVO (klas 4/5): Genetica
- VWO (klas 5/6): Moleculaire genetica
Scuola secondaria in Italia (Biologia)
- Scuola secondaria di secondo grado: Trascrizione e Traduzione (classe 4/5)
Next-Generation Science Standards (Life Sciences)
- Recommended for HS (Structure and Function)
Aims: To study the steps of protein biosynthesis.
Topics covered in the application:
- What is a gene?
- What are the roles of messenger RNA, transfer RNA, and ribosomal RNA in the process of protein biosynthesis?
- What is transcription, and where does it occur within the cell? How is it different from DNA replication?
- What is translation, and where does it occur within the cell? How do ribosomes, tRNA, and mRNA work together during this process?
- What are the characteristics of the genetic code?
Abstract: In the simulator, the student studies the process of protein biosynthesis. They first locate the nucleus where the first stage of protein biosynthesis and necessary transcription components take place. Then, they assemble a construct using various molecules to observe how transcription proceeds. Next, the student adds the endoplasmic reticulum and the required components for translation. After assembling a structure using various molecules, they study the animation of the translation process. In the third stage, the student adds the Golgi apparatus to observe the protein folding.
Cambridge (Biology)
IB (Science/Biology)
- Middle Years Programme: Amazing World of Plants, Save our green planet: Explorations into sustainable living
- Diploma Programme: Photosynthesis (core), Photosynthesis (AHL)
National curriculum in England (Biology)
- Key stage 3: Nutrition and digestion, Photosynthesis
- Key stage 4: Photosynthesis
Indian curriculum CBSE (Science/Biology)
- Secondary stage (classes 9-10): Photosynthesis
- CBSE Class 12 board exam: Photosynthesis in Higher Plants
National curriculum of the Netherlands (Biology)
- VMBO (klas 1 en 2): Fotosynthese (Begrip van fotosynthese en de belangrijkheid ervan)
- HAVO (klas 4/5): Fotosynthese (Mechanismen en processen van fotosynthese)
- VWO (klas 4/5): Fotosynthese (Fotosynthetische reacties en energietransformatie)
Scuola secondaria in Italia (Biologia)
- Scuola secondaria di secondo grado: Fotosintesi (classe 2/3)
Next-Generation Science Standards (Life Sciences)
- Recommended for HS (Matter and Energy in Organisms and Ecosystems)
Aims: To study the stages of photosynthesis in plant cells.
Topics covered in the application:
- What processes take place in chloroplast?
- What is the essence of the processes occurring in the thylakoids and stroma?
- What is the role of light in photosynthesis?
- What is the role of NADP+ and NADPH in photosynthesis?
Abstract: The student is invited to immerse themselves in a virtual space and study the process of photosynthesis from the inside by performing key events themselves.
Using interactions with the electron transport chain in the chloroplast and molecules undergoing chemical transformations in metabolic processes (such as the Calvin cycle), the user can explore both the light-dependent and light-independent stages of photosynthesis.
The student will learn how the chemical products of the first stage are utilized in the second, including the bonding of distant oxidation and reduction reactions by a NADP+/NADPH pair.
During the tasks, the student will be able to remove an electron from a chlorophyll molecule and transport it to collect protons for further use. Incomplete tasks will show the consequences of insufficient electron transfer, resulting in the inability to complete photosynthesis.
Cambridge (Biology)
IB (Science/Biology)
- Middle Years Programme: Genetics and reproduction, Interactions between organisms and their environment
- Diploma Programme: Cell division (core)
National curriculum in England (Biology)
- Key stage 3: Inheritance, chromosomes, DNA, and genes
- Key stage 4: Cell biology
Indian curriculum CBSE (Science/Biology)
- Secondary stage (classes 9-10): Cell Cycle and Cell Division
- CBSE Class 12 board exam: Cell Cycle and Cell Division
National curriculum of the Netherlands (Biology)
- VMBO (klas 3/4): Cel deling / Mitose
- HAVO (klas 4/5): Mitose / Celcyclus
- VWO (klas 4/5): Mitose / Celcyclus
Scuola secondaria in Italia (Biologia)
- Scuola secondaria di secondo grado: Mitosi (classe 2)
Next-Generation Science Standards (Life Sciences)
- Recommended for HS (Inheritance and Variation of Traits)
Aims: To learn the types and stages of living cells’ division.
Topics covered in the application:
- What are the stages of mitotic division?
- What key events make the global difference between mitotic and meiotic divisions?
- What are the roles of organelles in cell division?
- How do the number of chromosomes (n) and the number of DNA molecules (c) change step by step?
Abstract: The student is invited to dive into this virtual space and study the process of cell division from the inside by performing its key stages themselves.
The user can go through all stages of cell division by interacting with different objects involved in the process.
While completing the tasks, the student can replicate DNA, destroy the nuclear membrane, compact chromosomes, and move them within the cell.
The system will also help compare the key points in the two types of cell division.
Cambridge (Biology)
IB (Science/Biology)
- Middle Years Programme: Genetics and reproduction, Interactions between organisms and their environment
- Diploma Programme: Meiosis (core), Meiosis (AHL)
National curriculum in England (Biology)
- Key stage 3: Inheritance, chromosomes, DNA and genes
- Key stage 4: Cell biology
Indian curriculum CBSE (Science/Biology)
- Secondary stage (classes 9-10): Reproduction
- CBSE Class 12 board exam: Cell Cycle and Cell Division
National curriculum of the Netherlands (Biology)
- VMBO (klas 3/4): Meiose
- HAVO (klas 4/5): Meiose
- VWO (klas 5/6): Meiose
Scuola secondaria in Italia (Biologia)
- Scuola secondaria di secondo grado: Meiosi (classe 3)
Next-Generation Science Standards (Life Sciences)
- Recommended for HS (Inheritance and Variation of Traits)
Aims: To learn the types and stages of living cells’ division.
Topics covered in the application:
- What are the stages of meiotic cell division?
- What events occur in each stage of division?
- What is the role of organelles in cell division?
- Why are haploid cells produced as a result of meiotic cell division?
- Why are daughter cells genetically different from the parent cell?
Abstract: The student is invited to dive into this virtual space and study the process of cell division from the inside by performing its key stages themselves.
The user can go through all the stages of cell division through interaction with different objects involved in the division.
While completing the tasks, the student can replicate DNA, destroy the nuclear membrane, compact chromosomes, and move them in the cell.
The system will help to compare the key points in two types of cell division.
Cambridge (Biology)
IB (Biology)
- Diploma Programme: Structure of DNA and RNA (core)
National curriculum in England (Biology)
- Key stage 3: Inheritance, chromosomes, DNA, and genes
- Key stage 4: Cell biology
Indian curriculum CBSE (Science/Biology)
- Secondary stage (classes 9-10): Molecular Basis of Inheritance
- CBSE Class 12 board exam: Molecular Basis of Inheritance
National curriculum of the Netherlands (Biology)
- VMBO (klas 3/4): DNA-structuur
- HAVO (klas 4/5): DNA-structuur
- VWO (klas 4/5): DNA-structuur
Scuola secondaria in Italia (Biologia)
- Scuola secondaria di secondo grado: Struttura del DNA / Replicazione del DNA (classe 3/4)
Next-Generation Science Standards (Life Sciences)
Aims: To create a visual image of the DNA molecule and the replication process.
Topics covered in the application:
- What are the components of the DNA molecule?
- What are the parts of the nucleotides?
- What are the chemical principles of pair formation?
- What is the principle of base pair complementarity?
Abstract: The student is invited to observe the replication process in a virtual space. Point mutations occur during this process, and the student is asked to fix the DNA. The student can remove the wrong nucleotide and replace it with the correct one, following the principle of complementarity. In the middle of the assignment, the student runs out of available nucleotides and is asked to create them on their own.
The student moves to the “assembly shop”, where the elements of nucleotides are delivered to him on a conveyor belt: sugar, phosphate, and nitrogenous bases. Following the instructions, the student creates nucleotides in two stages: first combining sugar and phosphate, then combining the resulting sugar-phosphate and nitrogenous base.
During assembly, the student is allowed to make mistakes and test themselves. In case of an error, the student receives a hint. When the creation of the required amount of free nucleotides is complete, the student brings the restoration of the double strand of DNA to an end.
Cambridge (Biology)
IB (Biology)
- Diploma Programme: Perception of stimuli (core)
Indian curriculum CBSE (Science/Biology)
- Secondary stage (classes 9-10): Human Eye and Colourful World
- CBSE Class 12 board exam: Human Eye and the Colourful World
National curriculum of the Netherlands (Biology)
- VMBO (klas 3/4): Oog
- HAVO (klas 4/5): Oog
- VWO (klas 4/5): Oog
Scuola secondaria in Italia (Biologia)
- Scuola secondaria di primo grado: Occhio umano (classe 2/3)
- Scuola secondaria di secondo grado: Anatomia dell’occhio (classe 3/4)
Aims: To research the structure and function of the human eye.
Topics covered in the application:
- What are the three eye layers?
- How does light refraction occur in the eye?
- How does the eye see at different distances?
Abstract: The student is invited to a virtual laboratory to assemble and test the human eye.
The student will discover the role of the different eye layers and other structures.
During the tasks, the student will be able to control the diameter of the pupil and the curvature of the lens to achieve optimal observation.
Cambridge (Biology)
IB (Biology)
- Diploma Programme: Neural development (core)
National curriculum in England (Biology)
- Key stage 3: Reproduction
Indian curriculum CBSE (Science/Biology)
- CBSE Class 12 board exam: Human Reproduction
National curriculum of the Netherlands (Biology)
- VWO (klas 5/6): Embryonale ontwikkeling van chordata
Scuola secondaria in Italia (Biologia)
- Scuola secondaria di secondo grado: Embriogenesi dei cordati (classe 3)
Aims: To study the stages of early embryogenesis of lancelet.
Topics covered in the application:
- What are the stages of early embryonic development of lancelet?
- What do the stages of early embryonic development of lancelet look like?
- What processes occur during transitions from one stage to another?
- How are the germ layers formed?
Abstract: The student is invited to a virtual laboratory to study the various processes involved in the early embryonic development of the lancelet, as well as the structure and features of each stage.
Through completing the tasks, the student will learn about how each stage is formed, its appearance, composition, and the processes involved in transitioning to the next stage.
Cambridge (Science/Biology)
IB (Biology)
- Diploma Programme: Membrane transport (core), The blood system (core), Gas exchange (core)
National curriculum in England (Biology)
- Key stage 3: Gas exchange systems
Indian curriculum CBSE (Science/Biology)
- Secondary stage (classes 9-10): Respiration
- CBSE Class 12 board exam: Breathing and Exchange of Gases
National curriculum of the Netherlands (Biology)
- VMBO (klas 3/4): Gaswisseling in de longblaasjes
- HAVO (klas 4/5): Gaswisseling in de longblaasjes
- VWO (klas 5/6): Gaswisseling in de longblaasjes
Scuola secondaria in Italia (Biologia)
- Scuola secondaria di secondo grado: Scambio gassoso negli alveoli (classe 4)
Aims: To study the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide between the alveoli and blood.
Topics covered in the application:
- What are the features of the gas exchange surface?
- What process involves the exchange of gases between blood and air?
- What elements are involved in this process?
- What is the difference between inhaled and exhaled air?
Abstract: The student is immersed in VR and interacts with various components of the respiratory surface, studying the structure of the alveoli and simulating the process of gas exchange.
Cambridge (Science/Biology)
Next-Generation Science Standards (Life Sciences)
- Recommended for MS: Natural Selection and Adaptations
Aims: To study the connection between an animal’s lifestyle and its anatomical adaptation for vision. To illustrate the concept of adaptation. To enhance understanding of the diversity of sensory systems
Topics covered in the application:
- How do the eagle, bee, and lynx see the world?
- How does their vision help them adapt to their lifestyle?
Abstract: The student is presented with several tasks that require knowledge of the visual features of certain animals. To complete these tasks, the student can utilize the extraordinary vision of the eagle, the night vision of the lynx, and the UV vision of the bee.
Biology (upcoming labs)
Cambridge (Biology)
IB (Science/Biology)
- Diploma Programme: Membrane structure (core)
National curriculum in England (Biology)
- Key stage 3: Cells and organization
- Key stage 4: Cell biology
Indian curriculum CBSE (Science/Biology)
- Secondary stage (classes 9-10): Cell: The Unit of Life
- CBSE Class 12 board exam: Cell – the unit of life
National curriculum of the Netherlands (Biology)
- VMBO (klas 3/4): Celmembraan
- HAVO (klas 4): Celmembraan
- VWO (klas 4/5): Celmembraan
Scuola secondaria in Italia (Biologia)
- Scuola secondaria di primo grado: Membrana cellulare (classe 2/3)
Next-Generation Science Standards (Life Sciences)
- Recommended for MS (Structure, Function, and Information Processing)
Aims: To research the components of the cell membrane.
Topics covered in the application:
- What molecules does the cell membrane consist of?
- What are the functions of phospholipids, proteins, and carbohydrates in the membrane?
Abstract: The student is immersed in the virtual space to interact with the cell membrane. After learning the functions of its components, the student will be asked to take an interactive test.
Cambridge (Biology)
IB (Science/Biology)
- Middle Years Programme: Biochemistry: Nutrition/digestion, Energy transformation and the “Human Machine”
- Diploma Programme: Cell respiration (core), Cell respiration (AHL)
National curriculum in England (Biology)
- Key stage 3: Nutrition and digestion, Cellular respiration
- Key stage 4: Cell biology
Indian curriculum CBSE (Science/Biology)
- Secondary stage (classes 9-10): Respiration
- CBSE Class 12 board exam: Respiration in Plants
National curriculum of the Netherlands (Biology)
- VMBO (klas 3/4): Energiestofwisseling van koolhydraten / Glycolyse en celademhaling
- HAVO (klas 5/6): Energiestofwisseling van koolhydraten / Glycolyse en celademhaling
- VWO (klas 5/6): Energiestofwisseling van koolhydraten / Glycolyse en celademhaling
Scuola secondaria in Italia (Biologia)
- Scuola secondaria di secondo grado: Glicolisi e Respirazione cellulare (classe 3/4)
Next-Generation Science Standards (Life Sciences)
- Recommended for HS: Matter and Energy in Organisms and Ecosystems
Aims: To study the stages of energy metabolism of carbohydrates using the example of an animal cell.
Topics covered in the application:
- What processes occur in the cytoplasm and mitochondria?
- Why is the multi-stage oxidation of glucose and its products performed?
- What is the role of oxygen in respiration?
- What is the role of NAD⁺ and NADH in energy metabolism?
Abstract: The student is invited to a virtual space to study the stages of energy metabolism of carbohydrates by implementing its key actions.
The student performs glycolysis, oxidative decarboxylation, and the Krebs cycle reactions with the help of sequential oxidation of glucose and its products.
The student learns how the NAD⁺/NADH pair links the mentioned oxidation processes with the reduction of the mitochondrial respiratory chain and the synthesis of a large amount of energy.
Cambridge (Biology)
IB (Science/Biology)
- Diploma Programme: The human brain (core)
National curriculum in England (Biology)
- Key stage 4: Coordination and control
Indian curriculum CBSE (Science/Biology)
- Secondary stage (classes 9-10): Nervous System
- CBSE Class 12 board exam: Neural Control and Coordination
National curriculum of the Netherlands (Biology)
- HAVO (klas 4/5): Hersenen en zenuwstelsel
- VWO (klas 4/5/6): Hersenen en zenuwstelsel
Scuola secondaria in Italia (Biologia)
- Scuola secondaria di primo grado: Anatomia e fisiologia del sistema nervoso (classe 2/3)
Aims: To research the parts of the human brain.
Topics covered in the application:
- What parts does the human brain consist of?
- What is the relative position of the parts of the human brain?
- What functions do different parts of the human brain perform?
Abstract: The student is immersed in the virtual space to interact with the parts of the human brain. After learning the functions of the various departments, the student will be asked to take an interactive test.
Cambridge (Biology)
IB (Biology)
- Diploma Programme: Membrane transport (core), The kidney and osmoregulation (AHL)
Indian curriculum CBSE (Science/Biology)
- Secondary stage (classes 9-10): Excretory System
- CBSE Class 12 board exam: Excretory Products and their Elimination
National curriculum of the Netherlands (Biology)
- VMBO (klas 3/4): Nieren en urinewegen / De werking van de nieren
- HAVO (klas 4/5): De nieren en het urinestelsel
- VWO (klas 5/6): De nieren en het urinestelsel
Scuola secondaria in Italia (Biologia)
- Scuola secondaria di primo grado: Formazione dell’urina (classe 1/2/3)
Aims: To study the composition of glomerular filtrate and urine and the mechanism of their formation.
Topics covered in the application:
- What are the components of blood that enter the composition of the glomerular filtrate?
- Why do some blood components not enter the glomerular filtrate?
- Which components of the glomerular filtrate and how much of them should be reabsorbed by the body?
- How are substances reabsorbed from the glomerular filtrate?
- What is the role of membrane transport in the formation of urine?
Cambridge (Biology)
IB (Biology)
- Diploma Programme: The kidney and osmoregulation (AHL)
Indian curriculum CBSE (Science/Biology)
- Secondary stage (classes 9-10): Excretory System
- CBSE Class 12 board exam: Excretory Products and their Elimination
National curriculum of the Netherlands (Biology)
- VMBO (klas 3/4): De werking van de nieren
- HAVO (klas 4/5): De werking van de nieren
- VWO (klas 5/6): De werking van de nieren
Scuola secondaria in Italia (Biologia)
- Scuola secondaria di primo grado: Anatomia del rene, Anatomia del nefrone (classe 1/2/3)
Aims: To study the general structure of kidneys, the structure and functioning of the nephron.
Topics covered in the application:
- How is the kidney structured?
- What anatomical and functional parts does the nephron have?
- How are primary and secondary urine formed?
- What are the main blood vessels and their roles in the kidney’s structure and function?
Cambridge (Biology)
IB (Biology)
- Diploma Programme: Defense against infectious disease (core), Antibody production and vaccination (AHL)
National curriculum in England (Biology)
- Key stage 4: Health, disease and the development of medicines
Indian curriculum CBSE (Science/Biology)
- Secondary stage (classes 9-10): Immunity
- CBSE Class 12 board exam: Body Fluids and Circulation, Human Health and Diseases, Microbes in Human Welfare
National curriculum of the Netherlands (Biology)
- VMBO (klas 3/4): Het afweersysteem
- HAVO (klas 4/5): Het immuunsysteem
- VWO (klas 4/5/6): Het immuunsysteem
Scuola secondaria in Italia (Biologia)
- Scuola secondaria di secondo grado: Risposta immunitaria (classe 4/5)
Aims: To study the body’s immune response to an unfamiliar antigen.
Topics covered in the application:
- What are the stages of the immune response to contact with a new antigen?
- What is the role of phagocytes?
- What is antigen presentation?
- What is the role of B and T-lymphocytes?
- What is agglutination, activation of the complement system, opsonization, and neutralization in the context of the work of antibodies?
- What are lymphocyte clones and antibody clones?
Cambridge (Biology)
IB (Biology)
- Diploma Programme: Defense against infectious disease (core)
National curriculum in England (Biology)
- Key stage 4: Transport systems
Indian curriculum CBSE (Science/Biology)
- Secondary stage (classes 9-10): Transportation
- CBSE Class 12 board exam: Body Fluids and Circulation
National curriculum of the Netherlands (Biology)
- VMBO (klas 3/4): Bloed en bloedsomloop
- HAVO (klas 4/5): Bloed en bloedsomloop
- VWO (klas 4/5): Bloed en bloedsomloop
Scuola secondaria in Italia (Biologia)
- Scuola secondaria di secondo grado: Coagulazione del sangue (classe 4/5)
Aims: To study the key events of blood coagulation.
Topics covered in the application:
- What is the role of platelets in coagulation?
- What is the role of blood plasma components in coagulation?
- What are the main key stages of coagulation?
- What is a thrombus?
Cambridge (Biology)
IB (Science/Biology)
- Middle Years Programme: Biochemistry: Nutrition/digestion
- Diploma Programme: Digestion (core)
National curriculum in England (Biology)
- Key stage 3: Nutrition and digestion
Indian curriculum CBSE (Science/Biology)
- Secondary stage (classes 9-10): Digestion and Absorption
- CBSE Class 12 board exam: Structural Organisation in Animals
National curriculum of the Netherlands (Biology)
- VMBO (klas 3/4): Spijsvertering
- HAVO (klas 4/5): Spijsvertering
- VWO (klas 4/5/6): Spijsvertering
Scuola secondaria in Italia (Biologia)
- Scuola secondaria di primo grado: Digestione (classe 2/3)
- Scuola secondaria di secondo grado: Digestione (classe 3/4)
Aims: To study the role of the oral cavity in the process of digestion.
Topics covered in the application:
- What are the functions of the oral cavity in digestion?
- Which organic substances are broken down in the oral cavity?
- Which salivary glands in the oral cavity are the largest?
- Which structures of the oral cavity are involved in the mechanical processing of food?
- What are the functions of saliva?
- What reflexes occur in the oral cavity?
Cambridge (Biology)
IB (Science/Biology)
- Middle Years Programme: Biochemistry: Nutrition/digestion
- Diploma Programme: Digestion (core)
National curriculum in England (Biology)
- Key stage 3: Nutrition and digestion
Indian curriculum CBSE (Science/Biology)
- Secondary stage (classes 9-10): Digestion and Absorption
- CBSE Class 12 board exam: Structural Organisation in Animals
National curriculum of the Netherlands (Biology)
- VMBO (klas 3/4): Spijsvertering
- HAVO (klas 4/5): Spijsvertering
- VWO (klas 4/5/6): Spijsvertering
Scuola secondaria in Italia (Biologia)
- Scuola secondaria di primo grado: Digestione (classe 2/3)
- Scuola secondaria di secondo grado: Digestione (classe 3/4)
Aims: To study the detailed structure of the stomach and the chemistry of the process of digestion in this section.
Topics covered in the application:
- What are the different types of tissues that make up the stomach?
- Which organic substances are broken down in the stomach during digestion?
- What specific types of glandular cells are found in the walls of the stomach, and what functions do they serve?
- How does the stomach protect itself from being digested by its own enzymes?
- What are some factors that stimulate the production and secretion of gastric juice in the stomach?
Cambridge (Biology)
IB (Science/Biology)
- Middle Years Programme: Biochemistry: Nutrition/digestion
- Diploma Programme: Digestion (core)
National curriculum in England (Biology)
- Key stage 3: Nutrition and digestion
Indian curriculum CBSE (Science/Biology)
- Secondary stage (classes 9-10): Digestion and Absorption
- CBSE Class 12 board exam: Structural Organisation in Animals
National curriculum of the Netherlands (Biology)
- VMBO (klas 3/4): Spijsvertering
- HAVO (klas 4/5): Spijsvertering
- VWO (klas 4/5/6): Spijsvertering
Scuola secondaria in Italia (Biologia)
- Scuola secondaria di primo grado: Digestione (classe 2/3)
- Scuola secondaria di secondo grado: Digestione (classe 3/4)
Aims: To study the detailed structure and functions of the small intestine.
Topics covered in the application:
- What tissues make up the small intestine?
- What are the main functions of the intestine?
- What organs have ducts leading to the intestines?
- What protects the intestines from stomach juices?
- What is the process of nutrient absorption in the intestines?
Cambridge (Biology)
IB (Science/Biology)
- Middle Years Programme: Biochemistry: Nutrition/digestion
- Diploma Programme: Membrane structure (core), Membrane transport (core)
National curriculum in England (Biology)
- Key stage 3: Cells and organisation
- Key stage 4: Cell biology, Coordination and control
Indian curriculum CBSE (Science/Biology)
- CBSE Class 12 board exam: Cell-The Unit of Life
National curriculum of the Netherlands (Biology)
- VMBO (klas 3/4): Celbiologie
- HAVO (klas 4/5): Celprocessen
- VWO (klas 5/6): Celmembraan
Scuola secondaria in Italia (Biologia)
- Scuola secondaria di secondo grado: Trasporto di membrana (classe 4/5)
Aims: To study the detailed structure and functions of membrane transport.
Topics covered in the application:
- What tissues make up the small intestine?
- What are the main functions of the intestine?
- What organs have ducts leading to the intestines?
- What protects the intestines from stomach juices?
- What is the process of nutrient absorption in the intestines?
Cambridge (Biology)
IB (Science/Biology)
- Diploma Programme: Transport in the xylem of plants (AHL), Transport in the phloem of plants (AHL), Growth in plants (AHL)
National curriculum in England (Biology)
- Key stage 4: Transport systems
Indian curriculum CBSE (Science/Biology)
- Secondary stage (classes 9-10): Tissues
- CBSE Class 12 board exam: Anatomy of Flowering Plants
National curriculum of the Netherlands (Biology)
- VMBO (klas 3/4): Planten
- HAVO (klas 4/5): Planten
- VWO (klas 4/5): Planten
Scuola secondaria in Italia (Biologia)
- Scuola secondaria di secondo grado: Tessuti vegetali (classe 4/5)
Next-Generation Science Standards (Life Sciences)
- Recommended for MS (Structure, Function, and Information Processing) and HS (Structure and Function) as tissue examples
Aims: To study the plant tissues.
Topics covered in the application:
- What is the tissue?
- What functions can tissues perform?
- How do different tissues affect each other?
- What are the main types of tissues in plants?
- How are different tissues formed?
Abstract: In the application, the student is immersed in the intercellular space, where they are invited to discover what plant tissues are and why they are needed. In the simulator, the student learns the main types of plant tissues. The student receives various tasks for the building of specific tissues by sorting and assembling the necessary cells among themselves. The student will learn how different features of the structure of cells can affect the function of the whole tissue.
Cambridge (Science/Physics)
IB (Science/Physics)
- Middle Years Programme: Reflection of light/Collecting lens
- Diploma Programme: Refraction of light/Scattering lens
National curriculum in England (Physics)
- Key stage 3: Reflection of light/Collecting lens
- Key stage 4: Refraction of light/Scattering lens
Indian curriculum CBSE (Science/Physics)
- Secondary stage (classes 9-10): Reflection of light/Collecting lens
- CBSE Class 12 board exam: Refraction of light/Scattering lens
National curriculum of the Netherlands (Physics)
- VMBO: Definition of a lens and its basic properties. Understanding the difference between convex and concave lenses. Calculation of the focal length of a lens. Applications of lenses in everyday life, such as eyeglasses and magnifying glasses.
- HAVO: Analysis of the image formation by lenses, including the use of ray diagrams and the thin lens equation. Understanding the concept of aberrations and their impact on image quality. Applications of lenses in fields such as photography and microscopy.
- VWO: Advanced topics in lens design, including aspheric surfaces and diffractive elements. Understanding the relationship between lenses and optical systems. Analysis of specialized lenses, such as achromatic and apochromatic lenses.
Scuola secondaria in Italia (Scienze/Physics)
- Unità 1: Introduzione alle lenti
- Unità 2: Proprietà delle lenti
- Unità 3: Tipi di lenti
Aims: Experimental determination of the focal length of collecting and scattering lenses by various methods; study of spherical and chromatic aberration of the lens.
Topics covered in the application:
- How are images formed in lenses?
- How to measure the focal length of two types of lenses?
- How is a real image formed?
Abstract: The optical system, consisting of one or more lenses, enables obtaining a clear image of the light source on the screen. By measuring the linear dimensions of the system, it is possible to calculate the focal lengths and other parameters of the lenses used.
Cambridge (Science/Physics)
IB (Science/Physics)
- Middle Years Programme: Fresnel diffraction
- Diploma Programme: Fraunhofer diffraction
National curriculum in England (Physics)
- Key stage 3: Wave optics
- Key stage 4: Interference, Diffraction
Indian curriculum CBSE (Science/Physics)
- Secondary stage (classes 9-10): Fresnel diffraction/Fraunhofer diffraction
- CBSE Class 12 board exam: Interference/Diffraction
National curriculum of the Netherlands (Physics)
- VMBO: Definition of Fresnel diffraction and its importance in wave optics. Understanding the difference between Fresnel and Fraunhofer diffraction. Calculation of the diffraction pattern using the Huygens-Fresnel principle. Applications of Fresnel diffraction in fields such as holography and microscopy.
- HAVO: Analysis of the diffraction pattern produced by various apertures, such as slits and circular apertures. Understanding the concept of zone plates and their use in focusing X-rays. Calculation of the diffraction pattern for multiple apertures using the principle of superposition. Use of Fresnel diffraction in designing optical systems, such as laser beam shaping and diffractive optical elements.
- VWO: Advanced topics in Fresnel diffraction, including the diffraction of non-circular apertures and the use of numerical methods to calculate diffraction patterns. Understanding the relationship between Fresnel diffraction and Fourier optics, including the use of Fourier transforms to calculate diffraction patterns. Analysis of diffractive optical elements, such as gratings and holograms. Introduction to wavefront shaping and its applications in Fresnel diffraction, including spatial light modulators.
Scuola secondaria in Italia (Scienze/Physics)
- Unità 1: Introduzione alla diffrazione di Fresnel
- Unità 2: Proprietà delle onde elettromagnetiche
- Unità 3: Principi della diffrazione di Fresnel
Next-Generation Science Standards (Physical Sciences)
- Recommended for HS (Waves and Electromagnetic Radiation)
Aims: Experimental investigation of Fresnel diffraction on various objects (round hole, slit of variable size, wire) and determination of object and radiation parameters.
Topics covered in the application:
- What does the diffraction pattern look like on a slit from a laser as a light source?
- What is the relationship between the width of the gap and the thickness of the strips?
Abstract: The object is illuminated by a divergent monochromatic beam of light obtained as a result of the passage of semiconductor laser radiation through a collecting lens. With the help of an automated registration system, the intensity distribution of the diffraction pattern observed on the screen is investigated.
Cambridge (Science/Physics)
IB (Science/Physics)
- Middle Years Programme: Interference
- Diploma Programme: Bi-beam interference
National curriculum in England (Physics)
- Key stage 3: Wave optics
- Key stage 4: Interference, Diffraction
Indian curriculum CBSE (Science/Physics)
- Secondary stage (classes 9-10): Interference
- CBSE Class 12 board exam: Bi-beam interference
National curriculum of the Netherlands (Physics)
- VMBO: Definition of interference and its basic properties. Understanding the difference between constructive and destructive interference. Applications of interference in everyday life, such as soap bubbles and oil slicks.
- HAVO: Analysis of interference patterns, including the use of Young’s double-slit experiment and the interference of light waves. Understanding the concept of coherence and its impact on interference patterns. Introduction to different types of interference, such as thin film interference and diffraction gratings. Applications of interference in fields such as optics and electronics.
- VWO: Advanced topics in interference, including the use of interferometers and Fourier analysis. Understanding the relationship between interference and wave properties, including the use of wave equations to predict interference patterns. Analysis of specialized interference phenomena, such as Fabry-Perot interferometers and Michelson interferometers. Introduction to quantum interference and its applications in quantum mechanics.
Scuola secondaria in Italia (Scienze/Physics)
- Unità 1: Introduzione all’ottica delle interferenze
- Unità 2: Proprietà delle onde luminose
- Unità 3: Interferenza di onde luminose
Next-Generation Science Standards (Physical Sciences)
- Recommended for HS (Waves and Electromagnetic Radiation)
Aims: Experimental use of a biprism to create an interference pattern of bands and study the parameters of these bands.
Topics covered in the application:
- Investigation of the thickness of the interference pattern bands
- Using a biprism to create the necessary interference pattern
Abstract: We investigate the question of the thickness of the bands and the relationship between the refractive angle of the prism and the thickness of the bands. Also, in the course of such work, the student gets acquainted with a new element of the optical laboratory – biprism.
Cambridge (Science/Physics)
IB (Science/Physics)
- Middle Years Programme: Reflection of light
- Diploma Programme: Refraction of light/Snell’s law
National curriculum in England (Physics)
- Key stage 3: Reflection of light
- Key stage 4: Refraction of light/Snell’s law
Indian curriculum CBSE (Science/Physics)
- Secondary stage (classes 9-10): Reflection of light
- CBSE Class 12 board exam: Refraction of light/Snell’s law
National curriculum of the Netherlands (Physics)
- VMBO: Definition of reflection and refraction. Understanding the difference between specular and diffuse reflection. Basic properties of angles of incidence and reflection. Applications of reflection and refraction in everyday life, such as mirrors and lenses.
- HAVO: Analysis of the laws of reflection and refraction, including Snell’s law. Understanding the concept of index of refraction and its impact on the direction of light rays. Introduction to different types of lenses and their properties, such as converging and diverging lenses. Applications of reflection and refraction in fields such as optics and photography.
- VWO: Advanced topics in reflection and refraction, including the use of total internal reflection and critical angles. Understanding the relationship between reflection, refraction, and wave properties, including the use of wave equations to predict behavior. Analysis of specialized phenomena related to reflection and refraction, such as polarization and dispersion. Introduction to quantum optics and its applications in quantum mechanics.
Scuola secondaria in Italia (Scienze/Physics)
- Unità 1: Introduzione all’ottica
- Unità 2: Leggi della riflessione
- Unità 3: Leggi della rifrazione
Aims: Experimental study of the phenomenon of refraction and reflection on the surface of a cube.
Topics covered in the application:
- How does the law of reflection work?
- Which of the angles is incident and which is reflected?
- What is the angle of refraction?
- How does the law of refraction work?
Abstract: An optical system consisting of a reflecting and refractive cube for studying the law of reflection and the law of refraction.
Cambridge (Science/Physics)
IB (Science/Physics)
- Middle Years Programme: Electric field
- Diploma Programme: Movement of charges
National curriculum in England (Physics)
- Key stage 3: Electric field/electrification by friction
- Key stage 4: Movement of charges
Indian curriculum CBSE (Science/Physics)
- Secondary stage (classes 9-10): Electric field
- CBSE Class 12 board exam: Movement of charges
National curriculum of the Netherlands (Physics)
- VMBO: Definition of electrization and electric charge. Understanding the difference between positive and negative charges. Basic properties of conductors and insulators. Applications of electrization in everyday life, such as static electricity and electric shocks.
- HAVO: Analysis of the laws of electrization, including Coulomb’s law. Understanding the concept of electric fields and their impact on charged particles. Introduction to different types of electric circuits and their properties, such as series and parallel circuits. Applications of electrization in fields such as electronics and electromagnetism.
- VWO: Advanced topics in electrization, including the use of Gauss’s law and electric potential. Understanding the relationship between electrization, electric fields, and magnetic fields, including the use of Maxwell’s equations to predict behavior. Analysis of specialized phenomena related to electrization, such as capacitance and inductance. Introduction to the concept of quantum electrodynamics and its applications in quantum mechanics.
Scuola secondaria in Italia (Scienze/Physics)
- Unità 1: Introduzione all’elettrostatica
- Unità 2: Conduttori e isolanti
- Unità 3: Legge di Gauss
Next-Generation Science Standards (Physical Sciences): recommended for MS (Forces and Interactions).
Aims: Demonstrate the flow of charges during the direct interaction of objects. The study of electrification by friction, contact, and influence.
Topics covered in the application:
- Study of the phenomenon of electrification.
- The study of three ways of electrification: friction, contact, influence.
Abstract: After passing the laboratory, the student will learn in practice three ways of electrification: by friction, contact, and influence.
Cambridge (Science/Physics)
IB (Science/Physics)
- Middle Years Programme: Electric field
- Diploma Programme: Field strength
National curriculum in England (Physics)
- Key stage 3: Electric field/Field strength
- Key stage 4: Movement of charges
Indian curriculum CBSE (Science/Physics)
- Secondary stage (classes 9-10): Electric field
- CBSE Class 12 board exam: Field strength
National curriculum of the Netherlands (Physics)
- VMBO: Definition of Coulomb’s law. Understanding the relationship between electric charges and the force between them. Basic calculations using Coulomb’s law. Applications of Coulomb’s law in everyday life, such as the behavior of static electricity and electric shocks.
- HAVO: Analysis of the mathematical formula for Coulomb’s law and its variables. Understanding the concept of electric fields and their impact on charged particles, including the use of electric field lines. Introduction to the concept of electric potential energy and its relationship to Coulomb’s law. Applications of Coulomb’s law in fields such as electronics, electromagnetism, and electrostatics.
- VWO: Advanced topics in Coulomb’s law, including the use of vector calculus and Gauss’s law. Understanding the relationship between Coulomb’s law and other fundamental laws in physics, such as Newton’s laws of motion and Maxwell’s equations. Analysis of specialized phenomena related to Coulomb’s law, such as electric dipole moments and electric polarization. Introduction to the concept of quantum electrodynamics and its applications in quantum mechanics, including the role of Coulomb’s law in describing the behavior of charged particles.
Scuola secondaria in Italia (Scienze/Physics)
- Unità 1: Introduzione alla legge di Coulomb
- Unità 2: Applicazioni della legge di Coulomb
- Unità 3: Esempi di applicazione della legge di Coulomb
Next-Generation Science Standards (Physical Sciences)
- recommended for HS (Forces and Interactions)
Aims: Determine the two forms of charge and the direction of forces between them. Solving problems related to electric fields and Coulomb’s law.
Topics covered in the application:
- The investigation involves studying the interaction between two symmetrically charged bodies, using Coulomb’s Law.
Abstract: After completing the laboratory, the student will be able to investigate the interaction between two charged bodies with symmetrical charge distribution. The values of the charges will be determined using Coulomb’s law.
Physics (upcoming labs)
Cambridge (Science/Physics)
IB (Science/Physics)
- Middle Years Programme: Biot–Savart law
- Diploma Programme: Lorentz force
National curriculum in England (Physics)
- Key stage 3: Biot–Savart law
- Key stage 4: Magnetic field
Indian curriculum CBSE (Science/Physics)
- Secondary stage (classes 9-10): Magnetic field
- CBSE Class 12 board exam: Biot–Savart law/Lorentz force
National curriculum of the Netherlands (Physics)
- VMBO: Definition of magnetic fields and their properties. Understanding the behavior of charged particles in magnetic fields, including the use of magnetic field lines. Basic calculations using magnetic field strength and magnetic force. Applications of magnetic fields in everyday life, such as the behavior of compasses and electric generators.
- HAVO: Analysis of the mathematical formula for magnetic field strength and its variables. Understanding the concept of magnetic flux and its relationship to Faraday’s law of induction. Introduction to the concept of magnetic potential and its relationship to magnetic fields. Applications of magnetic fields in fields such as electronics, electromagnetism, and magnetohydrodynamics.
- VWO: Advanced topics in magnetic fields, including the use of vector calculus and Maxwell’s equations. Understanding the relationship between magnetic fields and other fundamental laws in physics, such as Ampere’s law and Lenz’s law. Analysis of specialized phenomena related to magnetic fields, such as magnetic materials and superconductivity. Introduction to the concept of quantum mechanics and its applications in describing the behavior of charged particles in magnetic fields.
Next-Generation Science Standards (Physical Sciences)
- recommended for MS (Forces and Interactions) and HS (Forces and Interactions)
Scuola secondaria in Italia (Scienze/Physics)
- Unità 1: Introduzione al campo magnetico
- Unità 2: Legge di Ampère
- Unità 3: Induzione elettromagnetica
Aims: Visualizations frequently provide us with insights into the action of magnetic fields; however, the visualizations themselves have their limitations; Computer-based simulations enable the visualization of electromagnetic fields in three-dimensional space.
Topics covered in the application:
- What are magnetic field lines?
- How does a charged and uncharged particle move in a magnetic field?
- What are magnet poles and field lines of force?
Abstract: After completing the laboratory, the student will study the structure of the magnetic field, the interaction of charges with the magnetic field, and the configuration of the magnetic field.
Cambridge (Science/Physics)
IB (Science/Physics)
- Middle Years Programme: Electric field
- Diploma Programme: Field strength
National curriculum in England (Physics)
- Key stage 3: Electric field/Field strength
- Key stage 4: Movement of charges
Indian curriculum CBSE (Science/Physics)
- Secondary stage (classes 9-10): Electric field
- CBSE Class 12 board exam: Field strength
National curriculum of the Netherlands (Physics)
- VMBO: Definition of electric fields and their properties. Understanding the behavior of charged particles in electric fields, including the use of electric field lines. Basic calculations using electric field strength and electric potential energy. Applications of electric fields in everyday life, such as the behavior of lightning and electric motors.
- HAVO: Analysis of the mathematical formula for electric field strength and its variables. Understanding the concept of electric flux and its relationship to Gauss’s law. Introduction to the concept of electric potential and its relationship to electric fields. Applications of electric fields in fields such as electronics, electromagnetism, and electrostatics.
- VWO: Advanced topics in electric fields, including the use of vector calculus and Maxwell’s equations. Understanding the relationship between electric fields and other fundamental laws in physics, such as Newton’s laws of motion and Coulomb’s law. Analysis of specialized phenomena related to electric fields, such as capacitance and dielectric materials. Introduction to the concept of quantum electrodynamics and its applications in quantum mechanics, including the role of electric fields in describing the behavior of charged particles.
Next-Generation Science Standards (Physical Sciences)
- recommended for MS (Forces and Interactions) and HS (Forces and Interactions)
Scuola secondaria in Italia (Scienze/Physics)
- Unità 1: Introduzione all’elettricità
- Unità 2: Campo elettrico
- Unità 3: Legge di Coulomb
Aims: To investigate the lines of electric field intensity; Calculation of the point charge strength.
Topics covered in the application:
- What is the field strength of a point charge?
- How are field strength lines represented in a system of point charges?
- What is the interaction between a test charge and an electric field?
- How are mass and charge sources represented in electric force lines and field models using appropriate symbols?
- How are fields displayed using potential?
- What is the relationship between equipotential surfaces and lines of force?
Abstract: After completing the laboratory, the student will study the construction of the electric field, the interaction between charges and the electric field, and the configuration of the electric field.
Cambridge (Science/Physics)
IB (Science/Physics)
- Middle Years Programme: simple mechanisms
- Diploma Programme: Inclined plane/pulley/leverage
National curriculum in England (Physics)
- Key stage 3: simple mechanisms
- Key stage 4: Inclined plane/pulley/leverage
Indian curriculum CBSE (Science/Physics)
- Secondary stage (classes 9-10): Inclined plane/pulley/leverage
- CBSE Class 12 board exam: mechanical work/simple mechanisms
National curriculum of the Netherlands (Physics)
- VMBO: Definition of a pulley and its basic components. Understanding the concept of mechanical advantage and how it applies to pulleys. Basic calculations involving the number of ropes and pulleys in a system. Applications of pulleys in everyday life, such as lifting heavy objects and changing the direction of force.
- HAVO: Analysis of the relationship between force, distance, and work in pulley systems. Understanding the types of pulleys, including fixed, movable, and compound pulleys. Calculation of the mechanical advantage and efficiency of pulley systems. Applications of pulleys in fields such as engineering, construction, and transportation.
- VWO: Advanced topics in pulley systems, including the use of vector calculus and free-body diagrams. Understanding the concept of tension and its relationship to pulley systems. Analysis of specialized phenomena related to pulleys, such as friction and the effect of pulleys on energy conservation. Introduction to the concept of robotics and its applications in designing complex pulley systems.
Next-Generation Science Standards (Physical Sciences)
- recommended for MS (Forces and Interactions) and HS (Forces and Interactions)
Scuola secondaria in Italia (Scienze/Physics)
- Unità 1: Introduzione ai meccanismi semplici
- Unità 2: Leva
- Unità 3: Principi delle leve
Aims: To show why a movable block gives a gain in strength, and a stationary one does not give such a gain.
Topics covered in the application:
- Forces
- Newton’s Laws
- Simple mechanisms
Abstract: After passing the laboratory, the student will be able to distinguish between movable and stationary blocks, as well as learn how to assemble a system of blocks necessary for a certain gain in strength.
Cambridge (Science/Physics)
IB (Science/Physics)
- Middle Years Programme: simple mechanisms
- Diploma Programme: Inclined plane/pulley/leverage
National curriculum in England (Physics)
- Key stage 3: simple mechanisms
- Key stage 4: Inclined plane/pulley/leverage
Indian curriculum CBSE (Science/Physics)
- Secondary stage (classes 9-10): Inclined plane/pulley/leverage
- CBSE Class 12 board exam: mechanical work/simple mechanisms
National curriculum of the Netherlands (Physics)
- VMBO: Definition of inclined planes and their basic components. Understanding the concept of mechanical advantage and how it applies to inclined planes. Basic calculations involving the angle of inclination and the weight of an object on an inclined plane. Applications of inclined planes in everyday life, such as ramps and slides.
- HAVO: Analysis of the relationship between force, distance, and work in inclined plane systems. Understanding the types of inclined planes, including wedge-shaped and screw-shaped planes. Calculation of the mechanical advantage and efficiency of inclined plane systems. Applications of inclined planes in fields such as construction, transportation, and sports equipment design.
- VWO: Advanced topics in inclined plane systems, including the use of vector calculus and free-body diagrams. Understanding the concept of friction and its relationship to inclined plane systems. Analysis of specialized phenomena related to inclined planes, such as the effect of multiple inclined planes on force and energy conservation. Introduction to the concept of mechatronics and its applications in designing complex inclined plane systems.
Next-Generation Science Standards (Physical Sciences)
- recommended for MS (Forces and Interactions) and HS (Forces and Interactions)
Scuola secondaria in Italia (Scienze/Physics)
- Unità 1: Introduzione ai meccanismi semplici
- Unità 2: Leva
- Unità 3: Principi delle leve
- Unità 4: Applicazioni delle leve
Aims: Show how an inclined plane gives a gain in strength, but at the same time gives a loss in distance.
Topics covered in the application:
- Forces
- Newton’s Laws
- Simple mechanisms
Abstract: After completing the laboratory, the student will learn how to determine the gain in strength in the case of using an inclined plane.
Cambridge (Science/Physics)
IB (Science/Physics)
- Middle Years Programme: simple mechanisms
- Diploma Programme: Inclined plane/pulley/leverage
National curriculum in England (Physics)
- Key stage 3: simple mechanisms
- Key stage 4: Inclined plane/pulley/leverage
Indian curriculum CBSE (Science/Physics)
- Secondary stage (classes 9-10): Inclined plane/pulley/leverage
- CBSE Class 12 board exam: mechanical work/simple mechanisms
National curriculum of the Netherlands (Physics)
- VMBO: Definition of a lever arm and its basic components. Understanding the concept of effort force, load force, and fulcrum in a lever arm system. Basic calculations involving the length of the lever arm and the forces applied to it. Applications of lever arms in everyday life, such as seesaws and bottle openers.
- HAVO: Analysis of the relationship between force, distance, and work in lever arm systems. Understanding the types of lever arms, including first, second, and third class levers. Calculation of the mechanical advantage and efficiency of lever arm systems. Applications of lever arms in fields such as engineering, medicine, and sports equipment design.
- VWO: Advanced topics in lever arm systems, including the use of vector calculus and free-body diagrams. Understanding the concept of torque and its relationship to lever arm systems. Analysis of specialized phenomena related to lever arms, such as the effect of multiple levers on force and energy conservation. Introduction to the concept of robotics and its applications in designing complex lever arm systems.
Next-Generation Science Standards (Physical Sciences)
- recommended for MS (Forces and Interactions) and HS (Forces and Interactions)
Scuola secondaria in Italia (Scienze/Physics)
- Unità 1: Introduzione ai meccanismi semplici
- Unità 2: Il braccio di leva
- Unità 3: Principi dei bracci di leva
Aims: Learn how to use the lever action to lift massive loads, learn how to use the rule of moments correctly.
Topics covered in the application:
- Forces
- Newton’s Laws
- Simple mechanisms
Abstract: After passing the laboratory, the student will learn how to correctly determine the shoulder of the acting force and calculate the moment of force relative to the selected point.
Cambridge (Science/Physics)
IB (Science/Physics)
- Middle Years Programme: Fresnel diffraction
- Diploma Programme: diffraction of water waves
National curriculum in England (Physics)
- Key stage 3: Wave optics
- Key stage 4: Interference, Diffraction, Dispersion, Polarization
Indian curriculum CBSE (Science/Physics)
- Secondary stage (classes 9-10): Interference, Diffraction
- CBSE Class 12 board exam: Dispersion, Polarization
National curriculum of the Netherlands (Physics)
- VMBO: Definition of Fresnel diffraction and its importance in wave optics. Understanding the difference between Fresnel and Fraunhofer diffraction. Calculation of the diffraction pattern using the Huygens-Fresnel principle. Applications of Fresnel diffraction in fields such as holography and microscopy.
- HAVO: Analysis of the diffraction pattern produced by various apertures, such as slits and circular apertures. Understanding the concept of zone plates and their use in focusing X-rays. Calculation of the diffraction pattern for multiple apertures using the principle of superposition. Use of Fresnel diffraction in designing optical systems, such as laser beam shaping and diffractive optical elements.
- VWO: Advanced topics in Fresnel diffraction, including the diffraction of non-circular apertures and the use of numerical methods to calculate diffraction patterns. Understanding the relationship between Fresnel diffraction and Fourier optics, including the use of Fourier transforms to calculate diffraction patterns. Analysis of the properties of diffractive optical elements, such as gratings and holograms. Introduction to the concept of wavefront shaping and its applications in Fresnel diffraction, including the use of spatial light modulators.
Next-Generation Science Standards (Physical Sciences)
- recommended for HS (Waves and Electromagnetic Radiation)
Scuola secondaria in Italia (Scienze/Physics)
- Unità 1: Introduzione alla diffrazione di Fresnel
- Unità 2: Proprietà delle onde elettromagnetiche
- Unità 3: Principi della diffrazione di Fresnel
Aims: Experimental investigation of Fresnel diffraction on various objects (round hole, slit of variable size, wire) and determination of object and radiation parameters.
Topics covered in the application:
- What images will be on the screen when diffraction occurs on various objects?
- What is diffraction?
Abstract: The object is illuminated by a divergent monochromatic beam of light that is obtained as a result of semiconductor laser radiation passing through a scattering lens. The intensity distribution of the resulting diffraction pattern observed on the screen is investigated using an automated registration system.
Cambridge (Science/Physics)
IB (Science/Physics)
- Middle Years Programme: Interference, Diffraction
- Diploma Programme: Dispersion, Polarization
National curriculum in England (Physics)
- Key stage 3: Geometric optics
- Key stage 4: Wave optics/Interference, Diffraction, Dispersion, Polarization
Indian curriculum CBSE (Science/Physics)
- Secondary stage (classes 9-10): Interference, Diffraction
- CBSE Class 12 board exam: Dispersion, Polarization
National curriculum of the Netherlands (Physics)
- VMBO: Definition of dispersion optics and its importance in physics and engineering. Understanding the concept of refractive index and how it affects the dispersion of light. Calculation of the dispersion of light using the Abbe number. Applications of dispersion optics in fields such as telecommunications and spectroscopy.
- HAVO: Understanding the relationship between dispersion and the colors of the visible spectrum. Analysis of the dispersion of light in different materials, such as glass and water. Calculation and interpretation of chromatic aberration in lenses. Use of dispersion optics in designing optical systems, such as telescopes and microscopes.
- VWO: Advanced topics in dispersion optics, including the dispersion of non-linear media and the role of dispersion in ultrafast optics. Understanding the limitations of traditional dispersion compensation techniques and the development of new methods, such as dispersion-managed fibers. Analysis of the dispersion properties of photonic crystals and their applications in nanophotonics. Introduction to quantum optics and its relationship to dispersion, including the phenomenon of entangled photons and their dispersion properties.
Next-Generation Science Standards (Physical Sciences)
- recommended for HS (Waves and Electromagnetic Radiation)
Scuola secondaria in Italia (Scienze/Physics)
- Unità 1: Introduzione agli anelli ottici di Newton
- Unità 2: Proprietà della luce
- Unità 3: Principi degli anelli ottici di Newton
Aims: The study of the interference phenomenon with the example of Newton’s rings observed under a microscope.
Topics covered in the application:
- What does intensity depend on?
- What are equal-thickness strips, and how are they formed?
- How can the radius of curvature of an optical surface be determined?
Abstract: The student is invited to observe the interference process in the virtual space. It is possible to calculate the radius of curvature of the spherical surface used in the lens installation, as well as the wavelengths of the light sources used, by measuring the radii of the rings observed in the microscope. The student can obtain a clear interference pattern by rotating the focusing screw of the microscope. Then, by rotating the drum of the ocular micrometer, the student can place its cross in the middle of any dark ring and make a count on the scale and drum of the ocular micrometer. Measurements of the ring coordinates should be taken for both right and left positions (relative to the center of the picture) of the cross, to obtain the dependence of the coordinate on the order of the ring.
Cambridge (Chemistry)
IB (Science/Chemistry)
- Middle Years Programme: Chemistry: Solutions
- Diploma Programme: Acids and bases (core), Acids and bases (AHL)
National curriculum in England (Chemistry)
- Key stage 3: Chemical reactions
- Key stage 4: Chemical changes
Indian curriculum CBSE (Science/Chemistry)
- Secondary stage (classes 9-10): Acids, Bases and Salts
- CBSE Class 12 board exam: Characterization and Purification of Chemical Substances; Qualitative Analysis
National curriculum of the Netherlands (Chemistry)
- VMBO: Eigenschappen van zuren: zure smaak, geleidbaarheid, zuur-base reacties; Bereiding van zuren: reacties van metaaloxiden en zouten met zuren.
- HAVO: Sterke en zwakke zuren: definities, zuur-base gedrag, pH-berekening; Neutralisatiereacties: reacties van zuren met basen, zoutvorming.
- VWO: Zuur-basereacties en evenwichten: zuur-base reactiemechanismen, evenwichtsconstanten; Titratiereacties: zuur-base titraties, berekening van molariteit en hoeveelheid stoffen.
Scuola secondaria in Italia (Chimica)
Scuola secondaria di primo grado:
- Introduzione alle Basi e alle loro Proprietà (classe 2/3)
- Acidi, Basi e Reazioni di Neutralizzazione (classe 2/3)
- Scala del pH e Misurazione dell’Acidità e della Basicità (classe 2/3)
- Reazioni delle Basi con Acidi e Metalli (classe 2/3)
- Forza delle Basi e la loro Dissociazione (classe 3/4)
- Reazioni di Titolazione che coinvolgono le Basi (classe 3/4)
- Basi in Chimica Organica e le loro Reazioni (classe 3/4)
- Applicazioni delle Basi nella Vita Quotidiana (classe 3/4)
Scuola secondaria di secondo grado:
Next-Generation Science Standards (Physical Sciences)
- MS (Chemical Reactions)
Cambridge (Chemistry)
IB (Science/Chemistry)
- Middle Years Programme: Chemistry: Solutions
- Diploma Programme: Acids and bases (core), Acids and bases (AHL)
National curriculum in England (Chemistry)
- Key stage 3: Chemical reactions
- Key stage 4: Chemical changes
Indian curriculum CBSE (Science/Chemistry)
- Secondary stage (classes 9-10): Acids, Bases and Salts
- CBSE Class 12 board exam: Characterization and Purification of Chemical Substances; Qualitative Analysis
National curriculum of the Netherlands (Chemistry)
- VMBO: Eigenschappen van zuren: zure smaak, geleidbaarheid, zuur-base reacties; Bereiding van zuren: reacties van metaaloxiden en zouten met zuren.
- HAVO: Sterke en zwakke zuren: definities, zuur-base gedrag, pH-berekening; Neutralisatiereacties: reacties van zuren met basen, zoutvorming.
- VWO: Zuur-basereacties en evenwichten: zuur-base reactiemechanismen, evenwichtsconstanten; Titratiereacties: zuur-base titraties, berekening van molariteit en hoeveelheid stoffen.
Scuola secondaria in Italia (Chimica)
Scuola secondaria di primo grado:
- Introduzione alle Basi e alle loro Proprietà (classe 2/3)
- Acidi, Basi e Reazioni di Neutralizzazione (classe 2/3)
- Scala del pH e Misurazione dell’Acidità e della Basicità (classe 2/3)
- Reazioni delle Basi con Acidi e Metalli (classe 2/3)
- Forza delle Basi e la loro Dissociazione (classe 3/4)
- Reazioni di Titolazione che coinvolgono le Basi (classe 3/4)
- Basi in Chimica Organica e le loro Reazioni (classe 3/4)
- Applicazioni delle Basi nella Vita Quotidiana (classe 3/4)
Scuola secondaria di secondo grado:
Next-Generation Science Standards (Physical Sciences)
- MS (Chemical Reactions)
Cambridge (Chemistry)
IB (Science/Chemistry)
- Middle Years Programme: Chemical interactions
- Diploma Programme: Periodicity (core), The periodic table—the transition metals (AHL)
National curriculum in England (Chemistry)
- Key stage 3: The Periodic Table
- Key stage 4: Atomic structure and the Periodic Table
Indian curriculum CBSE (Science/Chemistry)
- Secondary stage (classes 9-10): Periodic Classification of Elements
- CBSE Class 12 board exam: Classification of Elements and Periodicity in Properties
National curriculum of the Netherlands (Chemistry)
- VMBO: Bouwstenen van materie: introductie tot de elementen en hun eigenschappen; Organisatie van de periode: begrip van de opbouw en structuur van de periodieke tabel; Chemische reactiviteit van elementen: studie van trends en patronen in de chemische reactiviteit van elementen.
- HAVO: Periodieke trends: diepgaande analyse van trends in atoomstraal, ionisatie-energie, elektronegativiteit, enz; Groepseigenschappen: onderzoek naar gemeenschappelijke eigenschappen en reactiviteit van elementen in dezelfde groep; Periodieke wetten: toepassing van periodieke wetten zoals de wet van Mendelejev en de wet van Moseley.
- VWO: Elektronenconfiguratie: begrip van de opbouw van elektronenschillen en orbitaalstructuren; Chemische bindingen: relatie tussen de elektronenconfiguratie van elementen en de vorming van chemische bindingen; Voorspelling van elementeigenschappen: gebruik van de periodieke tabel om eigenschappen van onbekende elementen te voorspellen.
Scuola secondaria in Italia (Chimica)
Scuola secondaria di primo grado:
- Introduzione alla Tavola Periodica (classe 2/3)
- Periodi e Gruppi (classe 2/3)
- Tendenze Periodiche (classe 4/5)
- Elementi Rappresentativi e Metalli di Transizione (classe 4/5)
- Tavola Periodica e Legame Chimico (classe 4/5)
Scuola secondaria di secondo grado:
Next-Generation Science Standards (Physical Sciences)
- HS (Structure and Properties of Matter), HS (Chemical Reactions)
Cambridge (Chemistry)
IB (Science/Chemistry)
- Middle Years Programme: Chemistry: Solutions
- Diploma Programme: Acids and bases (core), Acids and bases (AHL)
National curriculum in England (Chemistry)
- Key stage 3: Chemical reactions
- Key stage 4: Chemical changes
Indian curriculum CBSE (Science/Chemistry)
- Secondary stage (classes 9-10): Acids, Bases and Salts
- CBSE Class 12 board exam: Characterization and Purification of Chemical Substances; Qualitative Analysis
National curriculum of the Netherlands (Chemistry)
- VMBO: Eigenschappen van zuren: zure smaak, geleidbaarheid, zuur-base reacties; Bereiding van zuren: reacties van metaaloxiden en zouten met zuren.
- HAVO: Sterke en zwakke zuren: definities, zuur-base gedrag, pH-berekening; Neutralisatiereacties: reacties van zuren met basen, zoutvorming.
- VWO: Zuur-basereacties en evenwichten: zuur-base reactiemechanismen, evenwichtsconstanten; Titratiereacties: zuur-base titraties, berekening van molariteit en hoeveelheid stoffen.
Scuola secondaria in Italia (Chimica)
Scuola secondaria di primo grado:
- Introduzione alle Basi e alle loro Proprietà (classe 2/3)
- Acidi, Basi e Reazioni di Neutralizzazione (classe 2/3)
- Scala del pH e Misurazione dell’Acidità e della Basicità (classe 2/3)
- Reazioni delle Basi con Acidi e Metalli (classe 2/3)
- Forza delle Basi e la loro Dissociazione (classe 3/4)
- Reazioni di Titolazione che coinvolgono le Basi (classe 3/4)
- Basi in Chimica Organica e le loro Reazioni (classe 3/4)
- Applicazioni delle Basi nella Vita Quotidiana (classe 3/4)
Scuola secondaria di secondo grado:
Next-Generation Science Standards (Physical Sciences)
- MS (Chemical Reactions)
Cambridge (Chemistry)
IB (Science/Chemistry)
- Middle Years Programme: Chemistry: Solutions
- Diploma Programme: Acids and bases (core), Acids and bases (AHL)
National curriculum in England (Chemistry)
- Key stage 3: Chemical reactions
- Key stage 4: Chemical changes
Indian curriculum CBSE (Science/Chemistry)
- Secondary stage (classes 9-10): Acids, Bases and Salts
- CBSE Class 12 board exam: Characterization and Purification of Chemical Substances; Qualitative Analysis
National curriculum of the Netherlands (Chemistry)
- VMBO: Eigenschappen van zuren: zure smaak, geleidbaarheid, zuur-base reacties; Bereiding van zuren: reacties van metaaloxiden en zouten met zuren.
- HAVO: Sterke en zwakke zuren: definities, zuur-base gedrag, pH-berekening; Neutralisatiereacties: reacties van zuren met basen, zoutvorming.
- VWO: Zuur-basereacties en evenwichten: zuur-base reactiemechanismen, evenwichtsconstanten; Titratiereacties: zuur-base titraties, berekening van molariteit en hoeveelheid stoffen.
Scuola secondaria in Italia (Chimica)
Scuola secondaria di primo grado:
- Introduzione alle Basi e alle loro Proprietà (classe 2/3)
- Acidi, Basi e Reazioni di Neutralizzazione (classe 2/3)
- Scala del pH e Misurazione dell’Acidità e della Basicità (classe 2/3)
- Reazioni delle Basi con Acidi e Metalli (classe 2/3)
- Forza delle Basi e la loro Dissociazione (classe 3/4)
- Reazioni di Titolazione che coinvolgono le Basi (classe 3/4)
- Basi in Chimica Organica e le loro Reazioni (classe 3/4)
- Applicazioni delle Basi nella Vita Quotidiana (classe 3/4)
Scuola secondaria di secondo grado:
Next-Generation Science Standards (Physical Sciences)
- MS (Chemical Reactions)
Cambridge (Chemistry)
IB (Science/Chemistry)
- Diploma Programme: Acids and bases (core), Proton Transfer Reactions (HL)
National curriculum in England (Chemistry)
- Key stage 4: Chemical changes
Indian curriculum CBSE (Science/Chemistry)
- Secondary stage (classes 9-10): Acids, Bases and Salts
- CBSE Class 11 board exam: Chemical Thermodynamics; Equilibrium
National curriculum of the Netherlands (Chemistry)
- VWO: Zuur-basereacties en evenwichten: zuur-base reactiemechanismen, evenwichtsconstanten; Titratiereacties: zuur-base titraties, berekening van molariteit en hoeveelheid stoffen.
Scuola secondaria in Italia (Chimica)
Scuola secondaria di primo grado:
- Introduzione alle Basi e alle loro Proprietà (classe 2/3)
- Acidi, Basi e Reazioni di Neutralizzazione (classe 2/3)
- Scala del pH e Misurazione dell’Acidità e della Basicità (classe 2/3)
- Reazioni delle Basi con Acidi e Metalli (classe 2/3)
- Forza delle Basi e la loro Dissociazione (classe 3/4)
- Reazioni di Titolazione che coinvolgono le Basi (classe 3/4)
- Basi in Chimica Organica e le loro Reazioni (classe 3/4)
Scuola secondaria di secondo grado:
Cambridge (Chemistry)
National curriculum in England (Chemistry)
- Key stage 3: Chemical reactions
Indian curriculum CBSE (Science/Chemistry)
- Secondary stage (classes 9-10): Acids, Bases and Salts
- CBSE Class 12 board exam: Characterization and Purification of Chemical Substances; Qualitative Analysis
National curriculum of the Netherlands (Chemistry)
- VMBO: Eigenschappen van zouten: oplosbaarheid, geleidbaarheid, zuur-base gedrag van zoutoplossingen; Bereiding van zouten: neutralisatiereacties, neerslagreacties.
- HAVO: Zoutreacties en redoxreacties: reacties van zouten met zuren en basen, reacties van zouten met metalen; Complexvorming: complexvorming in oplossing, liganden en coördinatiegetallen.
- VWO: Evenwichten in zoutoplossingen: oplosbaarheidsproducten, gemeenschappelijk ioneneffect, complexevenwichten; Thermodynamica van zoutreacties: Gibbs-vrije energie en evenwicht, spontaniteit van zoutreacties.
Scuola secondaria in Italia (Chimica)
Scuola secondaria di primo grado:
- Introduzione ai Sali e alla loro Formazione (classe 2/3)
- Reazioni Acido-Base e Formazione di Sali (classe 2/3)
- Solubilità e Reazioni di Precipitazione dei Sali (classe 2/3)
- Formazione e Proprietà dei Composti Ionici (classe 2/3)
- Preparazione e Analisi dei Sali (classe 3/4)
- Reazioni di Titolazione Acido-Base che coinvolgono Sali (classe 3/4)
- Reazioni di Ossidazione-Riduzione che coinvolgono Sali (classe 3/4)
- Applicazioni dei Sali nella Vita Quotidiana (classe 3/4)
Scuola secondaria di secondo grado:
Next-Generation Science Standards (Physical Sciences)
- Recommended for MS (Chemical Reactions)
Cambridge (Chemistry)
IB (Science/Chemistry)
- Middle Years Programme: The fuel that powers you: An investigation into how energy is harnessed from a variety of different fuel sources
- Diploma Programme: Organic chemistry (core), Organic chemistry (AHL)
National curriculum in England (Chemistry)
- Key stage 3: Measurement, Chemical reactions
- Key stage 4: Chemical changes
Indian curriculum CBSE (Science/Chemistry)
- Secondary stage (classes 9-10): Basic Principles and Techniques; Hydrocarbons
- CBSE Class 12 board exam: Organic Chemistry -Some Basic Principles and Techniques, Hydrocarbons
National curriculum of the Netherlands (Chemistry)
- VMBO: Alkanen: eigenschappen en structuur van verzadigde koolwaterstoffen; Alkenen: eigenschappen en structuur van onverzadigde koolwaterstoffen; Alkynen: eigenschappen en structuur van drievoudig onverzadigde koolwaterstoffen.
- HAVO: Alifatische koolwaterstoffen: vergelijkende studie van alkanen, alkenen en alkynen; Aromatische koolwaterstoffen: eigenschappen en structuur van benzeenderivaten; Functionele groepen: identificatie en vergelijking van verschillende functionele groepen in koolwaterstoffen.
- VWO: Stereochemie van koolwaterstoffen: chirale centra, enantiomeren, racematen; Reactiviteit van koolwaterstoffen: substitutiereacties, additiereacties, oxidatiereacties; Organische synthesemethoden: synthetische routes voor de bereiding van complexe koolwaterstofverbindingen.
Scuola secondaria in Italia (Chimica)
- Scuola secondaria di secondo grado:
- Alcani: Struttura, Nomenclatura, Proprietà Fisiche (classe 4/5)
- Alcheni: Struttura, Nomenclatura, Isomerismo Geometrico (classe 4/5)
- Alchini: Struttura, Nomenclatura, Proprietà (classe 4/5)
- Idrocarburi Aromatici: Struttura, Anello del Benzene, Risonanza, Reazioni (classe 4/5)
- Gruppi Funzionali negli Idrocarburi: Alcoli, Aldeidi, Chetoni, Acidi Carbossilici, Esteri, Eteri (classe 4/5)
- Isomeria negli Idrocarburi: Isomeria Strutturale, Isomeria Stereoisomerica (classe 4/5)
- Combustione degli Idrocarburi: Combustione Completa e Incompleta, Impatto Ambientale (classe 4/5)
- Reazioni degli Idrocarburi: Reazioni di Addizione, Sostituzione, Eliminazione (classe 4/5)
Next-Generation Science Standards (Physical Sciences)
- MS/HS (Energy)
Cambridge (Chemistry)
IB (Science/Chemistry)
- Middle Years Programme: Chemistry: Solutions
- Diploma Programme: Acids and bases (core), Acids and bases (AHL)
National curriculum in England (Chemistry)
- Key stage 3: Chemical reactions
- Key stage 4: Chemical changes
Indian curriculum CBSE (Science/Chemistry)
- Secondary stage (classes 9-10): Acids, Bases and Salts
- CBSE Class 12 board exam: Characterization and Purification of Chemical Substances; Qualitative Analysis
National curriculum of the Netherlands (Chemistry)
- VMBO: Eigenschappen van zuren: zure smaak, geleidbaarheid, zuur-base reacties; Bereiding van zuren: reacties van metaaloxiden en zouten met zuren.
- HAVO: Sterke en zwakke zuren: definities, zuur-base gedrag, pH-berekening; Neutralisatiereacties: reacties van zuren met basen, zoutvorming.
- VWO: Zuur-basereacties en evenwichten: zuur-base reactiemechanismen, evenwichtsconstanten; Titratiereacties: zuur-base titraties, berekening van molariteit en hoeveelheid stoffen.
Scuola secondaria in Italia (Chimica)
- Scuola secondaria di primo grado:
- Introduzione alle Basi e alle loro Proprietà (classe 2/3)
- Acidi, Basi e Reazioni di Neutralizzazione (classe 2/3)
- Scuola secondaria di secondo grado:
- Scala del pH e Misurazione dell’Acidità e della Basicità (classe 2/3)
- Reazioni delle Basi con Acidi e Metalli (classe 2/3)
- Forza delle Basi e la loro Dissociazione (classe 3/4)
- Reazioni di Titolazione che coinvolgono le Basi (classe 3/4)
- Basi in Chimica Organica e le loro Reazioni (classe 3/4)
- Applicazioni delle Basi nella Vita Quotidiana (classe 3/4)
Next-Generation Science Standards (Physical Sciences)
- recommended for MS (Chemical Reactions)
Cambridge (Chemistry)
IB (Science/Chemistry)
- Middle Years Programme: Chemistry: Solutions
- Diploma Programme: Acids and bases (core), Acids and bases (AHL)
National curriculum in England (Chemistry)
- Key stage 3: Chemical reactions
- Key stage 4: Chemical changes
Indian curriculum CBSE (Science/Chemistry)
- Secondary stage (classes 9-10): Acids, Bases and Salts
- CBSE Class 12 board exam: Characterization and Purification of Chemical Substances; Qualitative Analysis
National curriculum of the Netherlands (Chemistry)
- VMBO: Eigenschappen van basen: smaak, geleidbaarheid, neutralisatiereacties; Bereiding van basen: reacties van metaaloxiden en metaalhydroxiden.
- HAVO: Sterke en zwakke basen: definities, zuur-base gedrag, pH-berekening; Titratie: zuur-base titratie, berekening van molariteit en hoeveelheid stoffen.
- VWO: Hydrolyse: reacties van zouten met water, pH van zoutoplossingen; Bufferoplossingen: buffercapaciteit, Henderson-Hasselbalch-vergelijking, toepassingen van buffers.
Scuola secondaria in Italia (Chimica)
- Scuola secondaria di primo grado:
- Introduzione alle Basi e alle loro Proprietà (classe 2/3)
- Acidi, Basi e Reazioni di Neutralizzazione (classe 2/3)
- Scuola secondaria di secondo grado:
- Scala del pH e Misurazione dell’Acidità e della Basicità (classe 2/3)
- Reazioni delle Basi con Acidi e Metalli (classe 2/3)
- Forza delle Basi e la loro Dissociazione (classe 3/4)
- Reazioni di Titolazione che coinvolgono le Basi (classe 3/4)
- Basi in Chimica Organica e le loro Reazioni (classe 3/4)
- Applicazioni delle Basi nella Vita Quotidiana (classe 3/4)
Next-Generation Science Standards (Physical Sciences)
- recommended for MS (Chemical Reactions)
Cambridge (Chemistry)
IB (Science/Chemistry)
- Middle Years Programme: The fuel that powers you: An investigation into how energy is harnessed from a variety of different fuel sources, The Age Electric
- Diploma Programme: Stoichiometric relationships; Energetics/thermochemistry; Chemical kinetics; Equilibrium (core) Energetics/thermochemistry; Chemical kinetics; Equilibrium (AHL)
National curriculum in England (Chemistry)
- Key stage 3: Energetics
- Key stage 4: Energy changes in chemistry
Indian curriculum CBSE (Science/Chemistry)
- Secondary stage (classes 9-10): Thermodynamics
- CBSE Class 12 board exam: Chemical Thermodynamics; Equilibrium
National curriculum of the Netherlands (Chemistry)
- VMBO: Reactiesnelheid: factoren die de reactiesnelheid beïnvloeden, zoals temperatuur, concentratie en katalysatoren; Evenwicht: dynamisch evenwicht, Le Chatelier’s principe, verschuivingen van het evenwicht.
- HAVO: Reactiekinetiek: reactiesnelheid, reactie-orde, reactiemechanismen; Chemisch evenwicht: evenwichtsconstante, evenwichtsberekeningen, zuur-base evenwichten.
- VWO: Geavanceerde kinetiek: reactiemechanismen, reactie-energie en activeringsenergie, reactiesnelheidsvergelijkingen; Thermodynamica en evenwicht: Gibbs-vrije energie, evenwichtsconstante in relatie tot temperatuur, chemisch potentiaal.
Scuola secondaria in Italia (Chimica)
- Scuola secondaria di secondo grado:
- Cinetica Chimica: Velocità delle Reazioni, Meccanismi di Reazione, Ordini di Reazione (classe 4/5)
- Fattori che Influenzano la Velocità di Reazione: Concentrazione, Temperatura, Catalizzatori (classe 4/5)
- Leggi della Velocità di Reazione: Costante di Velocità, Equazione di Velocità, Leggi di Velocità Integrate (classe 4/5)
- Teoria delle Collisioni: Energia di Attivazione, Teoria dello Stato di Transizione (classe 4/5)
- Equilibrio Chimico: Principio di Le Chatelier, Costanti di Equilibrio, Espressioni di Equilibrio (classe 4/5)
- Spostamenti dell’Equilibrio: Variazioni di Concentrazione, Temperatura e Pressione (classe 4/5)
- Calcoli di Equilibrio: Calcolo delle Concentrazioni di Equilibrio, Calcolo delle Costanti di Equilibrio (classe 4/5)
- Equilibri Acido-Base: pH, pOH, Costanti di Ionizzazione, Soluzioni Tampone (classe 4/5)
Next-Generation Science Standards (Physical Sciences)
- recommended for MS/HS (Chemical Reactions)
National curriculum of the Netherlands (Chemistry)
- VMBO: Typen chemische reacties: synthese, analyse, dubbele vervanging, redoxreacties; Balanceren van chemische vergelijkingen: begrip van coëfficiënten en hoe ze worden gebruikt om de wet van behoud van massa te handhaven.
- HAVO: Classificatie van chemische reacties: synthese, analyse, dubbele vervanging, redoxreacties, zuur-base-reacties; Balanceren van chemische vergelijkingen: gebruik van halfreactiemethode; Factoren die de reactiesnelheid beïnvloeden: concentratie van reactanten, temperatuur, katalyse.
- VWO: Typen chemische reacties: synthese, analyse, dubbele vervanging, redoxreacties, zuur-base-reacties, gasfase-reacties; Balanceren van chemische vergelijkingen: halfreactiemethode, methode van algebraïsche coëfficiënten; Mechanismen van reacties: elementaire stappen, tussenproducten, katalyse, stereospecificiteit van reacties.
Scuola secondaria in Italia (Chimica)
- Scuola secondaria di secondo grado:
- Respirazione Cellulare (*Biologia* – classe 4/5): Questo argomento esplora il processo della respirazione cellulare, inclusa la glicolisi, il ciclo di Krebs e la fosforilazione ossidativa. Gli studenti imparano come le cellule generano ATP (adenosina trifosfato) e liberano energia dalle molecole organiche.
- Fotosintesi (*Biologia* – classe 4/5): Gli studenti studiano il processo della fotosintesi, comprese le reazioni dipendenti dalla luce e le reazioni indipendenti dalla luce. Apprendono come le piante e alcuni altri organismi convertano luce solare, acqua e biossido di carbonio in glucosio e ossigeno.
- Enzimi e Reazioni Enzimatiche (*Biologia* – classe 4/5): Questo argomento si concentra sul ruolo degli enzimi nelle reazioni biochimiche. Gli studenti apprendono la struttura, la funzione e i meccanismi catalitici degli enzimi. Studiano come gli enzimi facilitino la conversione dei substrati in prodotti e i fattori che influenzano l’attività enzimatica.
- Metabolismo e Vie Metaboliche (*Biologia* – classe 5): Gli studenti approfondiscono il concetto di metabolismo, inclusa le reazioni anaboliche e cataboliche. Studiano vie metaboliche come la glicolisi, il ciclo dell’acido citrico e la sintesi e il degrado delle macromolecole.
- Replicazione del DNA e Sintesi Proteica (*Biologia* – classe 5): Questo argomento si concentra sui processi di replicazione del DNA e sintesi proteica. Gli studenti apprendono la struttura del DNA, i meccanismi di replicazione del DNA, la trascrizione e la traduzione. Comprendono come l’informazione genetica sia conservata, replicata e utilizzata per produrre proteine.
Cambridge (Chemistry)
IB (Science/Chemistry)
- Middle Years Programme: Chemistry: Solutions
- Diploma Programme: Acids and bases (core), Acids and bases (AHL)
National curriculum in England (Chemistry)
- Key stage 3: Chemical reactions
- Key stage 4: Chemical changes
Indian curriculum CBSE (Science/Chemistry)
- Secondary stage (classes 9-10): Acids, Bases and Salts
- CBSE Class 12 board exam: Characterization and Purification of Chemical Substances; Qualitative Analysis
National curriculum of the Netherlands (Chemistry)
- VMBO: Eigenschappen van zuren: zure smaak, geleidbaarheid, zuur-base reacties; Bereiding van zuren: reacties van metaaloxiden en zouten met zuren.
- HAVO: Sterke en zwakke zuren: definities, zuur-base gedrag, pH-berekening; Neutralisatiereacties: reacties van zuren met basen, zoutvorming.
- VWO: Zuur-basereacties en evenwichten: zuur-base reactiemechanismen, evenwichtsconstanten; Titratiereacties: zuur-base titraties, berekening van molariteit en hoeveelheid stoffen.
Scuola secondaria in Italia (Chimica)
- Scuola secondaria di primo grado:
- Introduzione alle Basi e alle loro Proprietà (classe 2/3)
- Acidi, Basi e Reazioni di Neutralizzazione (classe 2/3)
- Scuola secondaria di secondo grado:
- Scala del pH e Misurazione dell’Acidità e della Basicità (classe 2/3)
- Reazioni delle Basi con Acidi e Metalli (classe 2/3)
- Forza delle Basi e la loro Dissociazione (classe 3/4)
- Reazioni di Titolazione che coinvolgono le Basi (classe 3/4)
- Basi in Chimica Organica e le loro Reazioni (classe 3/4)
- Applicazioni delle Basi nella Vita Quotidiana (classe 3/4)
Next-Generation Science Standards (Physical Sciences)
- recommended for MS (Chemical Reactions)
National curriculum of the Netherlands (Chemistry)
- VMBO: Typen chemische reacties: synthese, analyse, dubbele vervanging, redoxreacties; Balanceren van chemische vergelijkingen: begrip van coëfficiënten en hoe ze worden gebruikt om de wet van behoud van massa te handhaven.
- HAVO: Classificatie van chemische reacties: synthese, analyse, dubbele vervanging, redoxreacties, zuur-base-reacties; Balanceren van chemische vergelijkingen: gebruik van halfreactiemethode; Factoren die de reactiesnelheid beïnvloeden: concentratie van reactanten, temperatuur, katalyse.
- VWO: Typen chemische reacties: synthese, analyse, dubbele vervanging, redoxreacties, zuur-base-reacties, gasfase-reacties; Balanceren van chemische vergelijkingen: halfreactiemethode, methode van algebraïsche coëfficiënten; Mechanismen van reacties: elementaire stappen, tussenproducten, katalyse, stereospecificiteit van reacties.
Scuola secondaria in Italia (Chimica)
- Scuola secondaria di secondo grado:
- Respirazione Cellulare (*Biologia* – classe 4/5): Questo argomento esplora il processo della respirazione cellulare, inclusa la glicolisi, il ciclo di Krebs e la fosforilazione ossidativa. Gli studenti imparano come le cellule generano ATP (adenosina trifosfato) e liberano energia dalle molecole organiche.
- Fotosintesi (*Biologia* – classe 4/5): Gli studenti studiano il processo della fotosintesi, comprese le reazioni dipendenti dalla luce e le reazioni indipendenti dalla luce. Apprendono come le piante e alcuni altri organismi convertano luce solare, acqua e biossido di carbonio in glucosio e ossigeno.
- Enzimi e Reazioni Enzimatiche (*Biologia* – classe 4/5): Questo argomento si concentra sul ruolo degli enzimi nelle reazioni biochimiche. Gli studenti apprendono la struttura, la funzione e i meccanismi catalitici degli enzimi. Studiano come gli enzimi facilitino la conversione dei substrati in prodotti e i fattori che influenzano l’attività enzimatica.
- Metabolismo e Vie Metaboliche (*Biologia* – classe 5): Gli studenti approfondiscono il concetto di metabolismo, inclusa le reazioni anaboliche e cataboliche. Studiano vie metaboliche come la glicolisi, il ciclo dell’acido citrico e la sintesi e il degrado delle macromolecole.
- Replicazione del DNA e Sintesi Proteica (*Biologia* – classe 5): Questo argomento si concentra sui processi di replicazione del DNA e sintesi proteica. Gli studenti apprendono la struttura del DNA, i meccanismi di replicazione del DNA, la trascrizione e la traduzione. Comprendono come l’informazione genetica sia conservata, replicata e utilizzata per produrre proteine.
Cambridge (Chemistry)
Indian curriculum CBSE (Science/Chemistry)
- CBSE Class 12 board exam: Basic Laboratory Techniques; Characterization and Purification of Chemical Substances; Experiments based on pH; Chemical Equilibrium; Quantitative Estimation; Qualitative Analysis; Surface Chemistry; Preparation of Inorganic Compounds; Preparation of Organic Compounds;
National curriculum of the Netherlands (Chemistry)
- VMBO: Basisprincipes van laboratoriumwerk: veiligheid in het laboratorium, omgang met laboratoriumapparatuur en -instrumenten; Basistechnieken in het laboratorium: meten en afwegen van stoffen, opstellen van eenvoudige chemische reacties.
- HAVO: Experimentele vaardigheden: nauwkeurigheid en precisie in metingen, verslaglegging van experimentele resultaten; Kwantitatieve analyse: titratie, berekeningen van concentratie en hoeveelheid stoffen.
- VWO: Geavanceerde laboratoriumtechnieken: spectroscopie, chromatografie, elektrochemische metingen; Kwaliteitscontrole in het laboratorium: validatie van meetresultaten, controle van analytische methoden.
Scuola secondaria in Italia (Chimica)
- Scuola secondaria di primo grado:
- Sicurezza e Attrezzature di Laboratorio (classe 2/3)
- Tecniche di Misurazione: Utilizzo degli Strumenti di Laboratorio (classe 2/3)
- Osservazione e Documentazione dei Risultati Sperimentali (classe 2/3)
- Competenze di Base in Laboratorio: Pipettatura, Diluizione e Miscelazione (classe 2/3)
- Scuola secondaria di secondo grado:
- Introduzione alle Reazioni Chimiche: Preparazione e Osservazione (classe 2/3)
- Analisi Qualitativa: Identificazione di Sostanze Sconosciute (classe 3/4)
- Analisi Quantitativa: Determinazione di Concentrazioni e Masse (classe 3/4)
- Considerazioni di Sicurezza ed Etiche nel Lavoro Sperimentale (classe 3/4)
Next-Generation Science Standards (Physical Sciences)
- recommended for MS (Structure and Properties of Matter) and MS (Chemical Reactions)
Cambridge (Chemistry)
IB (Science/Chemistry)
- Middle Years Programme: The fuel that powers you: An investigation into how energy is harnessed from a variety of different fuel sources, The Age Electric
- Diploma Programme: Stoichiometric relationships; Energetics/thermochemistry; Chemical kinetics; Equilibrium (core) Energetics/thermochemistry; Chemical kinetics; Equilibrium (AHL)
National curriculum in England (Chemistry)
- Key stage 3: Energetics
- Key stage 4: Energy changes in chemistry
Indian curriculum CBSE (Science/Chemistry)
- Secondary stage (classes 9-10): Thermodynamics
- CBSE Class 12 board exam: Chemical Thermodynamics; Equilibrium
National curriculum of the Netherlands (Chemistry)
- VMBO: Reactiesnelheid: factoren die de reactiesnelheid beïnvloeden, zoals temperatuur, concentratie en katalysatoren; Evenwicht: dynamisch evenwicht, Le Chatelier’s principe, verschuivingen van het evenwicht.
- HAVO: Reactiekinetiek: reactiesnelheid, reactie-orde, reactiemechanismen; Chemisch evenwicht: evenwichtsconstante, evenwichtsberekeningen, zuur-base evenwichten.
- VWO: Geavanceerde kinetiek: reactiemechanismen, reactie-energie en activeringsenergie, reactiesnelheidsvergelijkingen; Thermodynamica en evenwicht: Gibbs-vrije energie, evenwichtsconstante in relatie tot temperatuur, chemisch potentiaal.
Scuola secondaria in Italia (Chimica)
- Scuola secondaria di secondo grado:
- Cinetica Chimica: Velocità delle Reazioni, Meccanismi di Reazione, Ordini di Reazione (classe 4/5)
- Fattori che Influenzano la Velocità di Reazione: Concentrazione, Temperatura, Catalizzatori (classe 4/5)
- Leggi della Velocità di Reazione: Costante di Velocità, Equazione di Velocità, Leggi di Velocità Integrate (classe 4/5)
- Teoria delle Collisioni: Energia di Attivazione, Teoria dello Stato di Transizione (classe 4/5)
- Equilibrio Chimico: Principio di Le Chatelier, Costanti di Equilibrio, Espressioni di Equilibrio (classe 4/5)
- Spostamenti dell’Equilibrio: Variazioni di Concentrazione, Temperatura e Pressione (classe 4/5)
- Calcoli di Equilibrio: Calcolo delle Concentrazioni di Equilibrio, Calcolo delle Costanti di Equilibrio (classe 4/5)
- Equilibri Acido-Base: pH, pOH, Costanti di Ionizzazione, Soluzioni Tampone (classe 4/5)
Next-Generation Science Standards (Physical Sciences)
- recommended for MS/HS (Chemical Reactions)
Cambridge (Chemistry)
National curriculum in England (Chemistry)
- Key stage 3: Chemical reactions
Indian curriculum CBSE (Science/Chemistry)
- Secondary stage (classes 9-10): Acids, Bases and Salts
- CBSE Class 12 board exam: Characterization and Purification of Chemical Substances; Qualitative Analysis
National curriculum of the Netherlands (Chemistry)
- VMBO: Eigenschappen van zouten: oplosbaarheid, geleidbaarheid, zuur-base gedrag van zoutoplossingen; Bereiding van zouten: neutralisatiereacties, neerslagreacties.
- HAVO: Zoutreacties en redoxreacties: reacties van zouten met zuren en basen, reacties van zouten met metalen; Complexvorming: complexvorming in oplossing, liganden en coördinatiegetallen.
- VWO: Evenwichten in zoutoplossingen: oplosbaarheidsproducten, gemeenschappelijk ioneneffect, complexevenwichten; Thermodynamica van zoutreacties: Gibbs-vrije energie en evenwicht, spontaniteit van zoutreacties.
Scuola secondaria in Italia (Chimica)
- Scuola secondaria di primo grado:
- Introduzione ai Sali e alla loro Formazione (classe 2/3)
- Reazioni Acido-Base e Formazione di Sali (classe 2/3)
- Scuola secondaria di secondo grado:
- Solubilità e Reazioni di Precipitazione dei Sali (classe 2/3)
- Formazione e Proprietà dei Composti Ionici (classe 2/3)
- Preparazione e Analisi dei Sali (classe 3/4)
- Reazioni di Titolazione Acido-Base che coinvolgono Sali (classe 3/4)
- Reazioni di Ossidazione-Riduzione che coinvolgono Sali (classe 3/4)
- Applicazioni dei Sali nella Vita Quotidiana (classe 3/4)
Next-Generation Science Standards (Physical Sciences)
- recommended for MS (Chemical Reactions)
Cambridge (Chemistry)
National curriculum in England (Chemistry)
- Key stage 3: Chemical reactions
Indian curriculum CBSE (Science/Chemistry)
- Secondary stage (classes 9-10): Acids, Bases and Salts
- CBSE Class 12 board exam: Characterization and Purification of Chemical Substances; Qualitative Analysis
National curriculum of the Netherlands (Chemistry)
- VMBO: Eigenschappen van zouten: oplosbaarheid, geleidbaarheid, zuur-base gedrag van zoutoplossingen; Bereiding van zouten: neutralisatiereacties, neerslagreacties.
- HAVO: Zoutreacties en redoxreacties: reacties van zouten met zuren en basen, reacties van zouten met metalen; Complexvorming: complexvorming in oplossing, liganden en coördinatiegetallen.
- VWO: Evenwichten in zoutoplossingen: oplosbaarheidsproducten, gemeenschappelijk ioneneffect, complexevenwichten; Thermodynamica van zoutreacties: Gibbs-vrije energie en evenwicht, spontaniteit van zoutreacties.
Scuola secondaria in Italia (Chimica)
- Scuola secondaria di primo grado:
- Introduzione ai Sali e alla loro Formazione (classe 2/3)
- Reazioni Acido-Base e Formazione di Sali (classe 2/3)
- Scuola secondaria di secondo grado:
- Solubilità e Reazioni di Precipitazione dei Sali (classe 2/3)
- Formazione e Proprietà dei Composti Ionici (classe 2/3)
- Preparazione e Analisi dei Sali (classe 3/4)
- Reazioni di Titolazione Acido-Base che coinvolgono Sali (classe 3/4)
- Reazioni di Ossidazione-Riduzione che coinvolgono Sali (classe 3/4)
- Applicazioni dei Sali nella Vita Quotidiana (classe 3/4)
Next-Generation Science Standards (Physical Sciences)
- recommended for MS (Chemical Reactions)
IB (Science/Chemistry)
National curriculum in England (Chemistry)
- Key stage 3: Chemical reactions
National curriculum of the Netherlands (Chemistry)
- VMBO: Eigenschappen van zuren: zure smaak, geleidbaarheid, zuur-base reacties; Bereiding van zuren: reacties van metaaloxiden en zouten met zuren.
- HAVO: Sterke en zwakke zuren: definities, zuur-base gedrag, pH-berekening; Neutralisatiereacties: reacties van zuren met basen, zoutvorming.
- VWO: Zuur-basereacties en evenwichten: zuur-base reactiemechanismen, evenwichtsconstanten; Titratiereacties: zuur-base titraties, berekening van molariteit en hoeveelheid stoffen.
Scuola secondaria in Italia (Chimica)
- Scuola secondaria di primo grado:
- Introduzione alle Basi e alle loro Proprietà (classe 2/3)
- Interazione degli ossidi con l’acqua (classe 3)
Cambridge (Chemistry)
IB (Science/Chemistry)
- Middle Years Programme: Chemistry: Solutions
- Diploma Programme: Chemical bonding and structure (core), Chemical bonding and structure (AHL)
National curriculum in England (Chemistry)
- Key stage 3: Chemical reactions
- Key stage 4: Chemical changes
National curriculum of the Netherlands (Chemistry)
- VMBO: Eigenschappen van zouten: oplosbaarheid, geleidbaarheid, zuur-base gedrag van zoutoplossingen; Bereiding van zouten: neutralisatiereacties, neerslagreacties.
- HAVO: Zoutreacties en redoxreacties: reacties van zouten met zuren en basen, reacties van zouten met metalen; Complexvorming: complexvorming in oplossing, liganden en coördinatiegetallen.
- VWO: Evenwichten in zoutoplossingen: oplosbaarheidsproducten, gemeenschappelijk ioneneffect, complexevenwichten; Thermodynamica van zoutreacties: Gibbs-vrije energie en evenwicht, spontaniteit van zoutreacties.
Scuola secondaria in Italia (Chimica)
- Scuola secondaria di primo grado:
- Ossidi metallici (classe 2/3)
- Scuola secondaria di secondo grado:
- Ossidi metallici (classe 3/4)
Cambridge (Chemistry)
Cambridge (Chemistry)
IB (Science/Chemistry)
- Middle Years Programme: The fuel that powers you: An investigation into how energy is harnessed from a variety of different fuel sources
- Diploma Programme: Redox processes (core)
National curriculum in England (Chemistry)
- Key stage 3: Chemical reactions, Energetics
- Key stage 4: Chemical changes
Indian curriculum CBSE (Science/Chemistry)
- Secondary stage (classes 9-10): Chemical Reactions and Equations
- CBSE Class 12 board exam: Redox Reactions; Organic Chemistry -Some Basic Principles and Techniques; Electrochemistry
National curriculum of the Netherlands (Chemistry)
- VMBO: Typen chemische reacties: synthese, analyse, dubbele vervanging, redoxreacties; Balanceren van chemische vergelijkingen: begrip van coëfficiënten en hoe ze worden gebruikt om de wet van behoud van massa te handhaven.
- HAVO: Classificatie van chemische reacties: synthese, analyse, dubbele vervanging, redoxreacties, zuur-base-reacties; Balanceren van chemische vergelijkingen: gebruik van halfreactiemethode; Factoren die de reactiesnelheid beïnvloeden: concentratie van reactanten, temperatuur, katalyse.
- VWO: Typen chemische reacties: synthese, analyse, dubbele vervanging, redoxreacties, zuur-base-reacties, gasfase-reacties; Balanceren van chemische vergelijkingen: halfreactiemethode, methode van algebraïsche coëfficiënten; Mechanismen van reacties: elementaire stappen, tussenproducten, katalyse, stereospecificiteit van reacties.
Scuola secondaria in Italia (Chimica)
- Scuola secondaria di secondo grado:
- Reazioni di combinazione (classe 4/5)
- Reazioni di decomposizione (classe 4/5)
- Reazioni di sostituzione (classe 4/5)
- Reazioni di doppia sostituzione (classe 4/5)
- Reazioni redox (classe 4/5)
Next-Generation Science Standards (Physical Sciences)
- recommended for MS/HS (Structure and Properties of Matter; Chemical Reactions)
Cambridge (Chemistry)
IB (Science/Chemistry)
- Middle Years Programme: Chemistry: Solutions
- Diploma Programme: Acids and bases (core), Acids and bases (AHL)
National curriculum in England (Chemistry)
- Key stage 3: Chemical reactions
- Key stage 4: Chemical changes
Indian curriculum CBSE (Science/Chemistry)
- Secondary stage (classes 9-10): Acids, Bases and Salts
- CBSE Class 12 board exam: Characterization and Purification of Chemical Substances; Qualitative Analysis
National curriculum of the Netherlands (Chemistry)
- VMBO: Eigenschappen van zuren: zure smaak, geleidbaarheid, zuur-base reacties; Bereiding van zuren: reacties van metaaloxiden en zouten met zuren.
- HAVO: Sterke en zwakke zuren: definities, zuur-base gedrag, pH-berekening; Neutralisatiereacties: reacties van zuren met basen, zoutvorming.
- VWO: Zuur-basereacties en evenwichten: zuur-base reactiemechanismen, evenwichtsconstanten; Titratiereacties: zuur-base titraties, berekening van molariteit en hoeveelheid stoffen.
Scuola secondaria in Italia (Chimica)
- Scuola secondaria di primo grado:
- Introduzione alle Basi e alle loro Proprietà (classe 2/3)
- Acidi, Basi e Reazioni di Neutralizzazione (classe 2/3)
- Scuola secondaria di secondo grado:
- Scala del pH e Misurazione dell’Acidità e della Basicità (classe 2/3)
- Reazioni delle Basi con Acidi e Metalli (classe 2/3)
- Forza delle Basi e la loro Dissociazione (classe 3/4)
- Reazioni di Titolazione che coinvolgono le Basi (classe 3/4)
- Basi in Chimica Organica e le loro Reazioni (classe 3/4)
- Applicazioni delle Basi nella Vita Quotidiana (classe 3/4)
Next-Generation Science Standards (Physical Sciences)
- recommended for MS (Chemical Reactions)
Cambridge (Chemistry)
IB (Science/Chemistry)
- Diploma Programme: Properties of iron and aluminium compounds (core)
Cambridge (Chemistry)
IB (Science/Chemistry)
- Middle Years Programme: Chemistry: Solutions
- Diploma Programme: Acids and bases (core), Acids and bases (AHL)
National Curriculum in England (Chemistry)
- Key stage 3: Chemical reactions
- Key stage 4: Chemical changes
Indian Curriculum CBSE (Science/Chemistry)
- Secondary stage (classes 9-10): Acids, Bases and Salts
- CBSE Class 12 board exam: Characterization and Purification of Chemical Substances; Qualitative Analysis
National Curriculum of the Netherlands (Chemistry)
- Eigenschappen van zuren: zure smaak, geleidbaarheid, zuur-base reacties; Bereiding van zuren: reacties van metaaloxiden en zouten met zuren; Eigenschappen van zouten: oplosbaarheid, geleidbaarheid, zuur-base gedrag van zoutoplossingen; Bereiding van zouten: neutralisatiereacties, neerslagreacties.
- Sterke en zwakke zuren: definities, zuur-base gedrag, pH-berekening; Neutralisatiereacties: reacties van zuren met basen, zoutvorming; Zoutreacties en redoxreacties: reacties van zouten met zuren en basen, reacties van zouten met metalen; Complexvorming: complexvorming in oplossing, liganden en coördinatiegetallen.
- VWO:
- Zuur-basereacties en evenwichten: zuur-base reactiemechanismen, evenwichtsconstanten; Titratiereacties: zuur-base titraties, berekening van molariteit en hoeveelheid stoffen; Evenwichten in zoutoplossingen: oplosbaarheidsproducten, gemeenschappelijk ioneneffect, complexevenwichten; Thermodynamica van zoutreacties: Gibbs-vrije energie en evenwicht, spontaniteit van zoutreacties.
Scuola secondaria in Italia (Chimica)
- Scuola secondaria di primo grado:
- Introduzione alle Basi e alle loro Proprietà (classe 2/3)
- Introduzione ai Sali e alla loro Formazione (classe 2/3)
- Acidi, Basi e Reazioni di Neutralizzazione (classe 2/3)
- Reazioni Acido-Base e Formazione di Sali (classe 2/3)
- Scuola secondaria di secondo grado:
- Scala del pH e Misurazione dell’Acidità e della Basicità (classe 2/3)
- Forza delle Basi e la loro Dissociazione (classe 3/4)
- Reazioni di Titolazione che coinvolgono le Basi (classe 3/4)
- Reazioni delle Basi con Acidi e Metalli (classe 2/3)
- Reazioni di Ossidazione-Riduzione che coinvolgono Sali (classe 3/4)
- Reazioni di Titolazione Acido-Base che coinvolgono Sali (classe 3/4)
- Basi in Chimica Organica e le loro Reazioni (classe 3/4)
- Applicazioni delle Basi nella Vita Quotidiana (classe 3/4)
- Applicazioni dei Sali nella Vita Quotidiana (classe 3/4)
- Solubilità e Reazioni di Precipitazione dei Sali (classe 2/3)
- Formazione e Proprietà dei Composti Ionici (classe 2/3)
- Preparazione e Analisi dei Sali (classe 3/4)
Next-Generation Science Standards (Physical Sciences)
- recommended for MS (Chemical Reactions)
Cambridge (Chemistry)
IB (Science/Chemistry)
- Middle Years Programme: Chemistry: Solutions
- Diploma Programme: Acids and bases (core), Acids and bases (AHL)
National Curriculum in England (Chemistry)
- Key stage 3: Chemical reactions
- Key stage 4: Chemical changes
Indian Curriculum CBSE (Science/Chemistry)
- Secondary stage (classes 9-10): Acids, Bases and Salts
- CBSE Class 12 board exam: Characterization and Purification of Chemical Substances; Qualitative Analysis
National Curriculum of the Netherlands (Chemistry)
- Eigenschappen van zuren: zure smaak, geleidbaarheid, zuur-base reacties; Bereiding van zuren: reacties van metaaloxiden en zouten met zuren.
- Sterke en zwakke zuren: definities, zuur-base gedrag, pH-berekening; Neutralisatiereacties: reacties van zuren met basen, zoutvorming.
- VWO:
- Zuur-basereacties en evenwichten: zuur-base reactiemechanismen, evenwichtsconstanten; Titratiereacties: zuur-base titraties, berekening van molariteit en hoeveelheid stoffen.
Scuola secondaria in Italia (Chimica)
- Scuola secondaria di primo grado:
- Introduzione alle Basi e alle loro Proprietà (classe 2/3)
- Acidi, Basi e Reazioni di Neutralizzazione (classe 2/3)
- Scuola secondaria di secondo grado:
- Scala del pH e Misurazione dell’Acidità e della Basicità (classe 2/3)
- Reazioni delle Basi con Acidi e Metalli (classe 2/3)
- Forza delle Basi e la loro Dissociazione (classe 3/4)
- Reazioni di Titolazione che coinvolgono le Basi (classe 3/4)
- Basi in Chimica Organica e le loro Reazioni (classe 3/4)
- Applicazioni delle Basi nella Vita Quotidiana (classe 3/4)
Next-Generation Science Standards (Physical Sciences)
- recommended for MS (Chemical Reactions)
Cambridge (Chemistry)
IB (Science/Chemistry)
- Middle Years Programme: Not specified
- Diploma Programme: Chemical bonding and structure (core); Organic chemistry (AHL)
National Curriculum in England (Chemistry)
- Key stage 3: Materials
- Key stage 4: Structure, bonding and the properties of matter
Indian Curriculum CBSE (Science/Chemistry)
- Secondary stage (classes 9-10): Materials
Scuola secondaria in Italia (Chimica)
- Scuola secondaria di primo grado:
- Proprietà di alcuni composti di carbonio e silicio (classe 3)
- Scuola secondaria di secondo grado:
- Proprietà di alcuni composti di carbonio e silicio (classe 4)
Next-Generation Science Standards (Physical Sciences)
- recommended for MS (Chemical Reactions)
Cambridge (Chemistry)
National Curriculum in England (Chemistry)
- Key stage 3: Chemical reactions
Indian Curriculum CBSE (Science/Chemistry)
- Secondary stage (classes 9-10): Acids, Bases and Salts
- CBSE Class 12 board exam: Characterization and Purification of Chemical Substances; Qualitative Analysis
National Curriculum of the Netherlands (Chemistry)
- VMBO: Eigenschappen van zouten: oplosbaarheid, geleidbaarheid, zuur-base gedrag van zoutoplossingen; Bereiding van zouten: neutralisatiereacties, neerslagreacties.
- HAVO: Zoutreacties en redoxreacties: reacties van zouten met zuren en basen, reacties van zouten met metalen; Complexvorming: complexvorming in oplossing, liganden en coördinatiegetallen.
- VWO: Evenwichten in zoutoplossingen: oplosbaarheidsproducten, gemeenschappelijk ioneneffect, complexevenwichten; Thermodynamica van zoutreacties: Gibbs-vrije energie en evenwicht, spontaniteit van zoutreacties.
Scuola secondaria in Italia (Chimica)
- Scuola secondaria di primo grado:
- Introduzione ai Sali e alla loro Formazione (classe 2/3)
- Reazioni Acido-Base e Formazione di Sali (classe 2/3)
- Scuola secondaria di secondo grado:
- Solubilità e Reazioni di Precipitazione dei Sali (classe 2/3)
- Formazione e Proprietà dei Composti Ionici (classe 2/3)
- Preparazione e Analisi dei Sali (classe 3/4)
- Reazioni di Titolazione Acido-Base che coinvolgono Sali (classe 3/4)
- Reazioni di Ossidazione-Riduzione che coinvolgono Sali (classe 3/4)
- Applicazioni dei Sali nella Vita Quotidiana (classe 3/4)
Next-Generation Science Standards (Physical Sciences)
- recommended for MS (Chemical Reactions)
Cambridge (Chemistry)
IB (Science/Chemistry)
- Middle Years Programme: Chemistry: Solutions
- Diploma Programme: Acids and bases (core), Acids and bases (AHL)
National Curriculum in England (Chemistry)
- Key stage 3: Chemical reactions
- Key stage 4: Chemical changes
Indian Curriculum CBSE (Science/Chemistry)
- Secondary stage (classes 9-10): Acids, Bases and Salts
- CBSE Class 12 board exam: Characterization and Purification of Chemical Substances; Qualitative Analysis
National Curriculum of the Netherlands (Chemistry)
- VMBO: Eigenschappen van zuren: zure smaak, geleidbaarheid, zuur-base reacties; Bereiding van zuren: reacties van metaaloxiden en zouten met zuren; Eigenschappen van basen: smaak, geleidbaarheid, neutralisatiereacties; Bereiding van basen: reacties van metaaloxiden en metaalhydroxiden.
- HAVO: Sterke en zwakke zuren: definities, zuur-base gedrag, pH-berekening; Neutralisatiereacties: reacties van zuren met basen, zoutvorming; Sterke en zwakke basen: definities, zuur-base gedrag, pH-berekening; Titratie: zuur-base titratie, berekening van molariteit en hoeveelheid stoffen.
- VWO: Zuur-basereacties en evenwichten: zuur-base reactiemechanismen, evenwichtsconstanten; Titratiereacties: zuur-base titraties, berekening van molariteit en hoeveelheid stoffen; Hydrolyse: reacties van zouten met water, pH van zoutoplossingen; Bufferoplossingen: buffercapaciteit, Henderson-Hasselbalch-vergelijking, toepassingen van buffers.
Scuola secondaria in Italia (Chimica)
- Scuola secondaria di primo grado:
- Introduzione alle Basi e alle loro Proprietà (classe 2/3)
- Acidi, Basi e Reazioni di Neutralizzazione (classe 2/3)
- Scuola secondaria di secondo grado:
- Scala del pH e Misurazione dell’Acidità e della Basicità (classe 2/3)
- Reazioni delle Basi con Acidi e Metalli (classe 2/3)
- Forza delle Basi e la loro Dissociazione (classe 3/4)
- Reazioni di Titolazione che coinvolgono le Basi (classe 3/4)
- Basi in Chimica Organica e le loro Reazioni (classe 3/4)
- Applicazioni delle Basi nella Vita Quotidiana (classe 3/4)
Next-Generation Science Standards (Physical Sciences)
- recommended for MS (Chemical Reactions)
Cambridge (Chemistry)
IB (Science/Chemistry)
- Middle Years Programme: The fuel that powers you: An investigation into how energy is harnessed from a variety of different fuel sources
- Diploma Programme: Redox processes (core)
National Curriculum in England (Chemistry)
- Key stage 3: Chemical reactions, Energetics
- Key stage 4: Chemical changes
Indian Curriculum CBSE (Science/Chemistry)
- Secondary stage (classes 9-10): Chemical Reactions and Equations
- CBSE Class 12 board exam: Redox Reactions; Organic Chemistry -Some Basic Principles and Techniques; Electrochemistry
National Curriculum of the Netherlands (Chemistry)
- VMBO: Typen chemische reacties: synthese, analyse, dubbele vervanging, redoxreacties; Balanceren van chemische vergelijkingen: begrip van coëfficiënten en hoe ze worden gebruikt om de wet van behoud van massa te handhaven.
- HAVO: Classificatie van chemische reacties: synthese, analyse, dubbele vervanging, redoxreacties, zuur-base-reacties; Balanceren van chemische vergelijkingen: gebruik van halfreactiemethode; Factoren die de reactiesnelheid beïnvloeden: concentratie van reactanten, temperatuur, katalyse.
- VWO: Typen chemische reacties: synthese, analyse, dubbele vervanging, redoxreacties, zuur-base-reacties, gasfase-reacties; Balanceren van chemische vergelijkingen: halfreactiemethode, methode van algebraïsche coëfficiënten; Mechanismen van reacties: elementaire stappen, tussenproducten, katalyse, stereospecificiteit van reacties.
Scuola secondaria in Italia (Chimica)
- Scuola secondaria di secondo grado:
- Reazioni di combinazione (classe 4/5)
- Reazioni di decomposizione (classe 4/5)
- Reazioni di sostituzione (classe 4/5)
- Reazioni di doppia sostituzione (classe 4/5)
- Reazioni redox (classe 4/5)
Next-Generation Science Standards (Physical Sciences)
- recommended for MS/HS (Structure and Properties of Matter; Chemical Reactions)
Cambridge (Chemistry)
IB (Science/Chemistry)
- Middle Years Programme: Chemical interactions
- Diploma Programme: Periodicity (core), The periodic table—the transition metals (AHL)
National Curriculum in England (Chemistry)
- Key stage 3: The Periodic Table
- Key stage 4: Atomic structure and the Periodic Table
Indian Curriculum CBSE (Science/Chemistry)
- Secondary stage (classes 9-10): Periodic Classification of Elements
- CBSE Class 12 board exam: Classification of Elements and Periodicity in Properties;
National Curriculum of the Netherlands (Chemistry)
- VMBO: Bouwstenen van materie: introductie tot de elementen en hun eigenschappen; Organisatie van de periode: begrip van de opbouw en structuur van de periodieke tabel; Chemische reactiviteit van elementen: studie van trends en patronen in de chemische reactiviteit van elementen.
- HAVO: Periodieke trends: diepgaande analyse van trends in atoomstraal, ionisatie-energie, elektronegativiteit, enz; Groepseigenschappen: onderzoek naar gemeenschappelijke eigenschappen en reactiviteit van elementen in dezelfde groep; Periodieke wetten: toepassing van periodieke wetten zoals de wet van Mendelejev en de wet van Moseley.
- VWO: Elektronenconfiguratie: begrip van de opbouw van elektronenschillen en orbitaalstructuren; Chemische bindingen: relatie tussen de elektronenconfiguratie van elementen en de vorming van chemische bindingen; Voorspelling van elementeigenschappen: gebruik van de periodieke tabel om eigenschappen van onbekende elementen te voorspellen.
Scuola secondaria in Italia (Chimica)
- Scuola secondaria di primo grado:
- Introduzione alla Tavola Periodica (classe 2/3)
- Periodi e Gruppi (classe 2/3)
- Scuola secondaria di secondo grado:
- Tendenze Periodiche (classe 4/5)
- Elementi Rappresentativi e Metalli di Transizione (classe 4/5)
- Tavola Periodica e Legame Chimico (classe 4/5)
Next-Generation Science Standards (Physical Sciences)
- recommended for HS (Structure and Properties of Matter) and HS (Chemical Reactions)
Cambridge (Chemistry)
IB (Science/Chemistry)
- Middle Years Programme: Chemical interactions
- Diploma Programme: Periodicity (core), The periodic table—the transition metals (AHL)
National Curriculum in England (Chemistry)
- Key stage 3: The Periodic Table
- Key stage 4: Atomic structure and the Periodic Table
Indian Curriculum CBSE (Science/Chemistry)
- Secondary stage (classes 9-10): Periodic Classification of Elements
- CBSE Class 12 board exam: Classification of Elements and Periodicity in Properties;
National Curriculum of the Netherlands (Chemistry)
- VMBO: Bouwstenen van materie: introductie tot de elementen en hun eigenschappen; Organisatie van de periode: begrip van de opbouw en structuur van de periodieke tabel; Chemische reactiviteit van elementen: studie van trends en patronen in de chemische reactiviteit van elementen.
- HAVO: Periodieke trends: diepgaande analyse van trends in atoomstraal, ionisatie-energie, elektronegativiteit, enz; Groepseigenschappen: onderzoek naar gemeenschappelijke eigenschappen en reactiviteit van elementen in dezelfde groep; Periodieke wetten: toepassing van periodieke wetten zoals de wet van Mendelejev en de wet van Moseley.
- VWO: Elektronenconfiguratie: begrip van de opbouw van elektronenschillen en orbitaalstructuren; Chemische bindingen: relatie tussen de elektronenconfiguratie van elementen en de vorming van chemische bindingen; Voorspelling van elementeigenschappen: gebruik van de periodieke tabel om eigenschappen van onbekende elementen te voorspellen.
Scuola secondaria in Italia (Chimica)
- Scuola secondaria di primo grado:
- Introduzione alla Tavola Periodica (classe 2/3)
- Periodi e Gruppi (classe 2/3)
- Scuola secondaria di secondo grado:
- Tendenze Periodiche (classe 4/5)
- Elementi Rappresentativi e Metalli di Transizione (classe 4/5)
- Tavola Periodica e Legame Chimico (classe 4/5)
Next-Generation Science Standards (Physical Sciences)
- recommended for HS (Structure and Properties of Matter) and HS (Chemical Reactions)
Cambridge (Chemistry)
IB (Science/Chemistry)
- Middle Years Programme: Chemical interactions
- Diploma Programme: Periodicity (core), The periodic table—the transition metals (AHL)
National Curriculum in England (Chemistry)
- Key stage 3: The Periodic Table; Atoms, elements, and compounds
- Key stage 4: Atomic structure and the Periodic Table
Indian Curriculum CBSE (Science/Chemistry)
- Secondary stage (classes 9-10): S-block Elements; Periodic Classification of Elements; Metals and Non-metals
- CBSE Class 12 board exam: Classification of Elements and Periodicity in Properties; d-and f-Block Elements
National Curriculum of the Netherlands (Chemistry)
- VMBO: Bouwstenen van materie: introductie tot de elementen en hun eigenschappen; Organisatie van de periode: begrip van de opbouw en structuur van de periodieke tabel; Chemische reactiviteit van elementen: studie van trends en patronen in de chemische reactiviteit van elementen; Structuur van het atoom en periodiek systeem van elementen: basisconcepten over de structuur van het atoom, de rangschikking van elementen in het periodiek systeem, chemische symbolen en formules; Chemische eigenschappen van elementen: algemene eigenschappen en reacties van belangrijke elementen.
- HAVO: Periodieke trends: diepgaande analyse van trends in atoomstraal, ionisatie-energie, elektronegativiteit, enz; Groepseigenschappen: onderzoek naar gemeenschappelijke eigenschappen en reactiviteit van elementen in dezelfde groep; Periodieke wetten: toepassing van periodieke wetten zoals de wet van Mendelejev en de wet van Moseley; Periodiek systeem van elementen: rangschikking van elementen op basis van atoomstructuur, periodes en groepen, periodieke trends in eigenschappen; Reactiviteit van elementen: reactiviteitstrends in het periodiek systeem, formatie en stabiliteit van ionen, chemische reacties van elementen.
- VWO: Elektronenconfiguratie: begrip van de opbouw van elektronenschillen en orbitaalstructuren; Chemische bindingen: relatie tussen de elektronenconfiguratie van elementen en de vorming van chemische bindingen; Voorspelling van elementeigenschappen: gebruik van de periodieke tabel om eigenschappen van onbekende elementen te voorspellen; Elektronenconfiguraties en atoomorbitalen: elektronenconfiguraties van elementen, orbitalen en hun vormen; Chemische bindingen en eigenschappen van elementen: covalente binding, ionische binding, metaalbinding, trends in chemische eigenschappen van elementen.
Scuola secondaria in Italia (Chimica)
- Scuola secondaria di primo grado:
- Introduzione alla Tavola Periodica (classe 2/3)
- Periodi e Gruppi (classe 2/3)
- Tavola periodica e periodicità (classe 2/3)
- Struttura atomica e configurazione elettronica (classe 2/3)
- Scuola secondaria di secondo grado:
- Legame chimico e struttura molecolare (classe 3/4)
- Tendenze periodiche e proprietà degli elementi (classe 3/4)
- Reattività degli elementi e tendenze di gruppo (classe 3/4)
- Tendenze Periodiche (classe 4/5)
- Elementi Rappresentativi e Metalli di Transizione (classe 4/5)
- Tavola Periodica e Legame Chimico (classe 4/5)
Next-Generation Science Standards (Physical Sciences)
- recommended for HS (Structure and Properties of Matter) and HS (Chemical Reactions)
Cambridge (Chemistry)
IB (Science/Chemistry)
- Middle Years Programme: Chemical interactions
- Diploma Programme: Atomic structure; Chemical bonding and structure (core), Atomic structure; Chemical bonding and structure (AHL)
National Curriculum in England (Chemistry)
- Key stage 3: Atoms, elements, and compounds
- Key stage 4: Atomic structure and the Periodic Table
Indian Curriculum CBSE (Science/Chemistry)
- Secondary stage (classes 9-10): Structure of Atom; Chemical Bonding and Molecular Structure
- CBSE Class 12 board exam: Some Basic Concepts of Chemistry; Structure of Atom; Chemical Bonding and Molecular Structure
Scuola secondaria in Italia (Chimica)
- Scuola secondaria di primo grado:
- Struttura atomica e tavola periodica (classe 2/3)
- Scuola secondaria di secondo grado:
- Modelli molecolari e legame chimico (classe 4/5)
- Chimica organica (classe 5)
- Strutture cristalline e stato solido (classe 5)
- Stereochimica (classe 5)
- Meccanica quantistica e orbitali molecolari (classe 5/Esame di Stato)
Next-Generation Science Standards (Physical Sciences)
- recommended for MS/HS (Structure and Properties of Matter) and HS (Chemical Reactions)
Aims: Study the structure of substances at the molecular and atomic levels and determine the bonds in molecules.
Topics covered in the application:
- What is an atom?
- What is a molecule?
- How are atoms linked together?
Abstract: The software features a variety of tools that enable users to manipulate and analyze chemical structures in real-time. This includes the ability to rotate, zoom, scale structures, and highlight specific atoms or molecules.
Chemistry (upcoming labs)
Cambridge (Chemistry)
IB (Science/Chemistry)
- Diploma Programme: Measurement and analysis (core), Measurement and analysis (AHL)
Indian Curriculum CBSE (Science/Chemistry)
- CBSE Class 12 board exam: Characterization and Purification of Chemical Substances; Qualitative Analysis; Tests for the functional groups present in organic compounds
National Curriculum of the Netherlands (Chemistry)
- VMBO: Identificatie van stoffen: fysische eigenschappen, zoals smeltpunt en kookpunt, dichtheid, oplosbaarheid; Chemische reacties en herkenning: herkenning van reacties aan de hand van kleurveranderingen, gasvorming, neerslagvorming
- HAVO: Kwalitatieve analyse: identificatie van stoffen met behulp van chemische testen, zoals zuur-base indicatoren, neerslagvorming, gasvorming; Spectroscopische methoden: gebruik van spectroscopische technieken zoals UV-Vis, IR, NMR voor identificatie van verbindingen
- VWO: Kwantitatieve analyse: bepaling van de concentratie van stoffen door middel van titraties, gravimetrie, spectrofotometrie; Instrumentele analysetechnieken: gebruik van geavanceerde instrumentele technieken zoals massaspectrometrie, chromatografie voor identificatie en kwantificering van stoffen
Scuola secondaria in Italia (Chimica)
Scuola secondaria di primo grado:
- Proprietà Fisiche delle Sostanze: Colore, Odore, Densità, Punto di Fusione, Punto di Ebollizione (classe 2/3)
- Proprietà Chimiche delle Sostanze: Reattività, Combustibilità, Reazioni Acido/Base (classe 2/3)
- Tecniche di Separazione: Filtrazione, Distillazione, Cromatografia (classe 2/3)
- Analisi Qualitativa: Identificazione delle Sostanze basata sulle loro Reazioni Chimiche (classe 2/3)
- Analisi Quantitativa: Determinazione della Concentrazione e della Quantità delle Sostanze (classe 3/4)
- Metodi Spettroscopici: Spettroscopia UV-Visibile, Spettroscopia Infrarossa, Spettrometria di Massa (classe 3/4)
- Metodi Fisici di Analisi: Misurazioni di Densità, Rifrattometria, Misurazioni di Conduttività (classe 3/4)
- Identificazione dei Composti Organici: Analisi dei Gruppi Funzionali, Spettroscopia NMR (classe 3/4)
Scuola secondaria di secondo grado:
Next-Generation Science Standards (Physical Sciences)
- MS/HS (Structure and Properties of Matter; Chemical Reaction)
Cambridge (Chemistry)
Indian Curriculum CBSE (Science/Chemistry)
- CBSE Class 12 board exam: Basic Laboratory Techniques; Characterization and Purification of Chemical Substances; Experiments based on pH; Chemical Equilibrium; Quantitative Estimation; Qualitative Analysis; Surface Chemistry; Preparation of Inorganic Compounds; Preparation of Organic Compounds
National Curriculum of the Netherlands (Chemistry)
- VMBO: Basisprincipes van laboratoriumwerk: veiligheid in het laboratorium, omgang met laboratoriumapparatuur en -instrumenten; Basistechnieken in het laboratorium: meten en afwegen van stoffen, opstellen van eenvoudige chemische reacties
- HAVO: Experimentele vaardigheden: nauwkeurigheid en precisie in metingen, verslaglegging van experimentele resultaten; Kwantitatieve analyse: titratie, berekeningen van concentratie en hoeveelheid stoffen
- VWO: Geavanceerde laboratoriumtechnieken: spectroscopie, chromatografie, elektrochemische metingen; Kwaliteitscontrole in het laboratorium: validatie van meetresultaten, controle van analytische methoden
Scuola secondaria in Italia (Chimica)
Scuola secondaria di primo grado:
- Sicurezza e Attrezzature di Laboratorio (classe 2/3)
- Tecniche di Misurazione: Utilizzo degli Strumenti di Laboratorio (classe 2/3)
- Osservazione e Documentazione dei Risultati Sperimentali (classe 2/3)
- Competenze di Base in Laboratorio: Pipettatura, Diluizione e Miscelazione (classe 2/3)
- Introduzione alle Reazioni Chimiche: Preparazione e Osservazione (classe 2/3)
- Analisi Qualitativa: Identificazione di Sostanze Sconosciute (classe 3/4)
- Analisi Quantitativa: Determinazione di Concentrazioni e Masse (classe 3/4)
- Considerazioni di Sicurezza ed Etiche nel Lavoro Sperimentale (classe 3/4)
Scuola secondaria di secondo grado:
Next-Generation Science Standards (Physical Sciences)
- MS (Structure and Properties of Matter)
- MS (Chemical Reactions)
Cambridge (Chemistry)
IB (Science/Chemistry)
- Middle Years Programme: The fuel that powers you: An investigation into how energy is harnessed from a variety of different fuel sources
- Diploma Programme: Redox processes (core)
National Curriculum in England (Chemistry)
- Key stage 3: Chemical reactions, Energetics
- Key stage 4: Chemical changes
Indian Curriculum CBSE (Science/Chemistry)
- Secondary stage (classes 9-10): Chemical Reactions and Equations
- CBSE Class 12 board exam: Redox Reactions; Organic Chemistry -Some Basic Principles and Techniques; Electrochemistry
National Curriculum of the Netherlands (Chemistry)
- VMBO: Typen chemische reacties: synthese, analyse, dubbele vervanging, redoxreacties; Balanceren van chemische vergelijkingen: begrip van coëfficiënten en hoe ze worden gebruikt om de wet van behoud van massa te handhaven.
- HAVO: Classificatie van chemische reacties: synthese, analyse, dubbele vervanging, redoxreacties, zuur-base-reacties; Balanceren van chemische vergelijkingen: gebruik van halfreactiemethode; Factoren die de reactiesnelheid beïnvloeden: concentratie van reactanten, temperatuur, katalyse.
- VWO: Typen chemische reacties: synthese, analyse, dubbele vervanging, redoxreacties, zuur-base-reacties, gasfase-reacties; Balanceren van chemische vergelijkingen: halfreactiemethode, methode van algebraïsche coëfficiënten; Mechanismen van reacties: elementaire stappen, tussenproducten, katalyse, stereospecificiteit van reacties.
Scuola secondaria in Italia (Chimica)
Scuola secondaria di secondo grado:
- Reazioni di combinazione (classe 4/5)
- Reazioni di decomposizione (classe 4/5)
- Reazioni di sostituzione (classe 4/5)
- Reazioni di doppia sostituzione (classe 4/5)
- Reazioni redox (classe 4/5)
Next-Generation Science Standards (Physical Sciences)
- MS/HS (Structure and Properties of Matter; Chemical Reactions)
Cambridge (Chemistry)
IB (Science/Chemistry)
- Diploma Programme: Periodicity (core), The periodic table—the transition metals (AHL)
National Curriculum in England (Chemistry)
- Key stage 3: Atoms, elements, and compounds, The Periodic Table
- Key stage 4: Atomic structure and the Periodic Table
Indian Curriculum CBSE (Science/Chemistry)
- Secondary stage (classes 9-10): S-block Elements; Periodic Classification of Elements; Metals and Non-metals
- CBSE Class 12 board exam: Classification of Elements and Periodicity in Properties; d -and f -Block Elements
National Curriculum of the Netherlands (Chemistry)
- VMBO: Structuur van het atoom en periodiek systeem van elementen: basisconcepten over de structuur van het atoom, de rangschikking van elementen in het periodiek systeem, chemische symbolen en formules; Chemische eigenschappen van elementen: algemene eigenschappen en reacties van belangrijke elementen.
- HAVO: Periodiek systeem van elementen: rangschikking van elementen op basis van atoomstructuur, periodes en groepen, periodieke trends in eigenschappen; Reactiviteit van elementen: reactiviteitstrends in het periodiek systeem, formatie en stabiliteit van ionen, chemische reacties van elementen.
- VWO: Elektronenconfiguraties en atoomorbitalen: elektronenconfiguraties van elementen, orbitalen en hun vormen; Chemische bindingen en eigenschappen van elementen: covalente binding, ionische binding, metaalbinding, trends in chemische eigenschappen van elementen.
Scuola secondaria in Italia (Chimica)
Scuola secondaria di secondo grado:
- Tavola periodica e periodicità (classe 2/3)
- Struttura atomica e configurazione elettronica (classe 2/3)
- Legame chimico e struttura molecolare (classe 3/4)
- Tendenze periodiche e proprietà degli elementi (classe 3/4)
- Reattività degli elementi e tendenze di gruppo (classe 3/4)
Next-Generation Science Standards (Physical Sciences)
- HS (Structure and Properties of Matter), HS (Chemical Reactions)
Cambridge (Chemistry)
IB (Science/Chemistry)
- Middle Years Programme: Chemical interactions
- Diploma Programme: Periodicity (core), The periodic table—the transition metals (AHL)
National Curriculum in England (Chemistry)
- Key stage 3: The Periodic Table
- Key stage 4: Atomic structure and the Periodic Table
Indian Curriculum CBSE (Science/Chemistry)
- Secondary stage (classes 9-10): Periodic Classification of Elements
- CBSE Class 12 board exam: Classification of Elements and Periodicity in Properties
National Curriculum of the Netherlands (Chemistry)
- VMBO: Bouwstenen van materie: introductie tot de elementen en hun eigenschappen; Organisatie van de periode: begrip van de opbouw en structuur van de periodieke tabel; Chemische reactiviteit van elementen: studie van trends en patronen in de chemische reactiviteit van elementen.
- HAVO: Periodieke trends: diepgaande analyse van trends in atoomstraal, ionisatie-energie, elektronegativiteit, enz; Groepseigenschappen: onderzoek naar gemeenschappelijke eigenschappen en reactiviteit van elementen in dezelfde groep; Periodieke wetten: toepassing van periodieke wetten zoals de wet van Mendelejev en de wet van Moseley.
- VWO: Elektronenconfiguratie: begrip van de opbouw van elektronenschillen en orbitaalstructuren; Chemische bindingen: relatie tussen de elektronenconfiguratie van elementen en de vorming van chemische bindingen; Voorspelling van elementeigenschappen: gebruik van de periodieke tabel om eigenschappen van onbekende elementen te voorspellen.
Scuola secondaria in Italia (Chimica)
Scuola secondaria di primo grado:
- Introduzione alla Tavola Periodica (classe 2/3)
- Periodi e Gruppi (classe 2/3)
- Tendenze Periodiche (classe 4/5)
- Elementi Rappresentativi e Metalli di Transizione (classe 4/5)
- Tavola Periodica e Legame Chimico (classe 4/5)
Scuola secondaria di secondo grado:
Next-Generation Science Standards (Physical Sciences)
- HS (Structure and Properties of Matter) and HS (Chemical Reactions)
Cambridge (Chemistry)
IB (Science/Chemistry)
- Middle Years Programme: The fuel that powers you: An investigation into how energy is harnessed from a variety of different fuel sources, The Age Electric
- Diploma Programme: Stoichiometric relationships; Energetics/thermochemistry; Chemical kinetics; Equilibrium (core) Energetics/thermochemistry; Chemical kinetics; Equilibrium (AHL)
National Curriculum in England (Chemistry)
- Key stage 3: Energetics
- Key stage 4: Energy changes in chemistry
Indian Curriculum CBSE (Science/Chemistry)
- Secondary stage (classes 9-10): Thermodynamics
- CBSE Class 12 board exam: Chemical Thermodynamics; Equilibrium
National Curriculum of the Netherlands (Chemistry)
- VMBO: Reactiesnelheid: factoren die de reactiesnelheid beïnvloeden, zoals temperatuur, concentratie en katalysatoren; Evenwicht: dynamisch evenwicht, Le Chatelier’s principe, verschuivingen van het evenwicht.
- HAVO: Reactiekinetiek: reactiesnelheid, reactie-orde, reactiemechanismen; Chemisch evenwicht: evenwichtsconstante, evenwichtsberekeningen, zuur-base evenwichten.
- VWO: Geavanceerde kinetiek: reactiemechanismen, reactie-energie en activeringsenergie, reactiesnelheidsvergelijkingen; Thermodynamica en evenwicht: Gibbs-vrije energie, evenwichtsconstante in relatie tot temperatuur, chemisch potentiaal.
Scuola secondaria in Italia (Chimica)
Scuola secondaria di secondo grado:
- Cinetica Chimica: Velocità delle Reazioni, Meccanismi di Reazione, Ordini di Reazione (classe 4/5)
- Fattori che Influenzano la Velocità di Reazione: Concentrazione, Temperatura, Catalizzatori (classe 4/5)
- Leggi della Velocità di Reazione: Costante di Velocità, Equazione di Velocità, Leggi di Velocità Integrate (classe 4/5)
- Teoria delle Collisioni: Energia di Attivazione, Teoria dello Stato di Transizione (classe 4/5)
- Equilibrio Chimico: Principio di Le Chatelier, Costanti di Equilibrio, Espressioni di Equilibrio (classe 4/5)
- Spostamenti dell’Equilibrio: Variazioni di Concentrazione, Temperatura e Pressione (classe 4/5)
- Calcoli di Equilibrio: Calcolo delle Concentrazioni di Equilibrio, Calcolo delle Costanti di Equilibrio (classe 4/5)
- Equilibri Acido-Base: pH, pOH, Costanti di Ionizzazione, Soluzioni Tampone (classe 4/5)
Next-Generation Science Standards (Physical Sciences)
- MS/HS (Chemical Reactions)
Cambridge (Chemistry)
IB (Science/Chemistry)
- Middle Years Programme: Chemistry: Solutions
National Curriculum in England (Chemistry)
- Key stage 3: Pure and impure substances
National Curriculum of the Netherlands (Chemistry)
- VMBO: Suspensies en emulsies: eigenschappen en toepassingen van heterogene systemen; Schuim en aerosolen: formatie en stabiliteit van schuim en aerosoldeeltjes; Filtratie en bezinking: scheidingstechnieken voor heterogene mengsels.
- HAVO: Colloïdale deeltjes: eigenschappen en interacties van colloïdale deeltjes; Stabiliteit van colloïdale systemen: invloed van elektrische lading, oppervlaktespanning en dispersiemiddelen op de stabiliteit van colloïden; Adsorptie en katalyse: rol van heterogene systemen in adsorptieprocessen en katalytische reacties.
- VWO: Dispersie en aggregatie: mechanismen van dispersie en aggregatie van colloïdale deeltjes; Optische eigenschappen van colloïdale systemen: verstrooiing van licht, Tyndall-effect en kleuren van colloïdale oplossingen; Nanodeeltjes en nanotechnologie: toepassingen van nanodeeltjes en hun gedrag in heterogene systemen.
Scuola secondaria in Italia (Chimica)
Scuola secondaria di secondo grado:
- Miscele Eterogenee: Definizione, Classificazione ed Esempi (classe 4/5)
- Sospensioni: Definizione, Proprietà e Applicazioni (classe 4/5)
- Emulsioni: Definizione, Tipi, Formazione e Applicazioni (classe 4/5)
- Colloidi: Definizione, Tipi, Proprietà e Applicazioni (classe 4/5)
- Effetto Tyndall: Spiegazione e Osservazioni nei Sistemi Colloidali (chimica – Classe 4/5)
- Coagulazione e Flocculazione: Meccanismi e Applicazioni nei Sistemi Colloidali (classe 4/5)
- Sedimentazione e Centrifugazione: Tecniche per la Separazione dei Sistemi Eterogenei (classe 4/5)
- Adsorbimento: Introduzione, Tipi e Applicazioni nei Sistemi Colloidali (classe 4/5)
Next-Generation Science Standards (Physical Sciences)
- Recommended for HS (Structure and Properties of Matter)
Cambridge (Chemistry)
IB (Science/Chemistry)
- Diploma Programme: Chemical bonding and structure (core), Chemical bonding and structure (AHL)
National Curriculum in England (Chemistry)
- Key stage 3: Atoms, elements, and compounds
- Key stage 4: Atomic structure and the Periodic Table
Indian Curriculum CBSE (Science/Chemistry)
- Secondary stage (classes 9-10): Chemical Bonding and Molecular Structure
- CBSE Class 12 board exam: Chemical Bonding and Molecular Structure
National Curriculum of the Netherlands (Chemistry)
- VMBO: Bouw van moleculen: eenvoudige modellen van atomen en moleculen; Ruimtelijke structuur: begrip van moleculaire geometrie en ruimtelijke rangschikking van atomen; Modelsimulaties: gebruik van computersoftware voor eenvoudige moleculaire modellering.
- HAVO: Lewis-structuren: opstellen van Lewis-structuren voor eenvoudige moleculen en ionen; Moleculaire orbitaaltheorie: begrip van moleculaire orbitaaltheorie en bonding in complexere moleculen; Chemische reacties: voorspellen en verklaren van chemische reacties met behulp van moleculaire modellering.
- VWO: Kwantummechanica: basisprincipes van kwantummechanica en hun toepassing op moleculaire systemen; Moleculaire dynamica: simulatie van de beweging en interacties van moleculen op atomair niveau; Computergestuurde modellering: gebruik van geavanceerde software voor moleculaire modellering en simulatie.
Scuola secondaria in Italia (Chimica)
Scuola secondaria di secondo grado:
- Struttura Atomica e Legame (classe 4/5)
- Chimica Organica (classe 5)
- Chimica Computazionale (classe 5/Esame di Stato)
- Biochimica e Progettazione di Farmaci (classe 5/Esame di Stato)
Next-Generation Science Standards (Physical Sciences)
- Recommended for MS/HS (Structure and Properties of Matter; Chemical Reactions)
Cambridge (Chemistry)
IB (Science/Chemistry)
- Diploma Programme: Redox processes (core), Redox processes (AHL)
National Curriculum in England (Chemistry)
- Key stage 4: Chemical changes
Indian Curriculum CBSE (Science/Chemistry)
- CBSE Class 12 board exam: Electrochemistry
National Curriculum of the Netherlands (Chemistry)
- VMBO: Oplossingen en elektrolyten; Fundamenten van elektrolytische dissociatie; Elektrische geleidbaarheid in oplossingen
- HAVO: Elektrolytische dissociatie en ionische chemie; Zuren, basen en zouten in de context van elektrolytische dissociatie; Elektrische geleidbaarheid van elektrolytoplossingen; Elektrolytische reacties
- VWO: Thermodynamische aspecten van elektrolytische dissociatie; Kinetiek van elektrolytische reacties; Elektrolytische dissociatie en evenwicht; Elektrolyse en elektrochemische processen
Scuola secondaria in Italia (Chimica)
Scuola secondaria di primo grado:
- Elettroliti e non elettroliti (classe 2/3)
- Ionizzazione e dissociazione in soluzioni acquose (classe 4/5)
- Conduttività delle soluzioni elettrolitiche (classe 4/5)
- Leggi di Faraday dell’elettrolisi (classe 4/5)
- Celle elettrolitiche ed elettrolisi (classe 4/5)
Scuola secondaria di secondo grado:
Next-Generation Science Standards (Physical Sciences)
- Recommended for MS (Chemical Reactions)
Cambridge (Chemistry)
IB (Science/Chemistry)
- Middle Years Programme: Chemical interactions
- Diploma Programme: Chemical bonding and structure (core), Chemical bonding and structure (AHL)
National Curriculum in England (Chemistry)
- Key stage 4: Structure, bonding and the properties of matter
Indian Curriculum CBSE (Science/Chemistry)
- Secondary stage (classes 9-10): Chemical Bonding and Molecular Structure
- CBSE Class 12 board exam: Chemical Bonding and Molecular Structure
National Curriculum of the Netherlands (Chemistry)
- VMBO: Bouwstenen van kristallen: basisprincipes van kristalroosters en hun componenten; Symmetrie in kristallen: begrip van symmetrie-elementen en ruimtelijke groepen in kristallen; Identificatie van kristalstructuren: gebruik van eenvoudige technieken om verschillende kristalstructuren te herkennen.
- HAVO: Kristalrooster en bindingen: begrip van bindingstypes in kristallen en hun invloed op de structuur; Röntgendiffractie: principe en toepassing van röntgendiffractie voor de bepaling van kristalstructuren; Faseovergangen in kristallen: studie van faseovergangen en hun effect op de kristalstructuur.
- VWO: Kristallografische symmetrie: diepgaande studie van de symmetrie-elementen en symmetriegroepen in kristallen; Kristalchemie: begrip van de chemische samenstelling en structuur van complexe kristalroosters; Geavanceerde methoden voor kristallografie: gebruik van geavanceerde technieken zoals elektronenmicroscopie en neutronendiffractie voor het onderzoek van kristalstructuren.
Scuola secondaria in Italia (Chimica)
Scuola secondaria di secondo grado:
- Introduzione alle Strutture Cristalline (classe 5/Esame di Stato)
- Reticoli di Bravais e Sistemi Cristallini (classe 5/Esame di Stato)
- Celle Unitarie e Imballaggio Cristallino (classe 5/Esame di Stato)
- Cristallografia a Raggi X (classe 5/Esame di Stato)
- Difetti Cristallini (classe 5/Esame di Stato)
Next-Generation Science Standards (Physical Sciences)
- Recommended for MS/HS (Structure and Properties of Matter)
Cambridge (Chemistry)
National Curriculum in England (Chemistry)
- Key stage 3: Chemical reactions
Indian Curriculum CBSE (Science/Chemistry)
- Secondary stage (classes 9-10): Acids, Bases and Salts
- CBSE Class 12 board exam: Characterization and Purification of Chemical Substances; Qualitative Analysis
National Curriculum of the Netherlands (Chemistry)
- VMBO: Eigenschappen van zouten: oplosbaarheid, geleidbaarheid, zuur-base gedrag van zoutoplossingen; Bereiding van zouten: neutralisatiereacties, neerslagreacties.
- HAVO: Zoutreacties en redoxreacties: reacties van zouten met zuren en basen, reacties van zouten met metalen; Complexvorming: complexvorming in oplossing, liganden en coördinatiegetallen.
- VWO: Evenwichten in zoutoplossingen: oplosbaarheidsproducten, gemeenschappelijk ioneneffect, complexevenwichten; Thermodynamica van zoutreacties: Gibbs-vrije energie en evenwicht, spontaniteit van zoutreacties.
Scuola secondaria in Italia (Chimica)
Scuola secondaria di primo grado:
- Introduzione ai Sali e alla loro Formazione (classe 2/3)
- Reazioni Acido-Base e Formazione di Sali (classe 2/3)
- Solubilità e Reazioni di Precipitazione dei Sali (classe 2/3)
- Formazione e Proprietà dei Composti Ionici (classe 2/3)
- Preparazione e Analisi dei Sali (classe 3/4)
- Reazioni di Titolazione Acido-Base che coinvolgono Sali (classe 3/4)
- Reazioni di Ossidazione-Riduzione che coinvolgono Sali (classe 3/4)
- Applicazioni dei Sali nella Vita Quotidiana (classe 3/4)
Scuola secondaria di secondo grado:
Next-Generation Science Standards (Physical Sciences)
- Recommended for MS (Chemical Reactions)
Cambridge (Chemistry)
IB (Science/Chemistry)
- Middle Years Programme: Chemistry: Solutions
- Diploma Programme: Acids and bases (core), Acids and bases (AHL)
National Curriculum in England (Chemistry)
- Key stage 3: Chemical reactions
- Key stage 4: Chemical changes
Indian Curriculum CBSE (Science/Chemistry)
- Secondary stage (classes 9-10): Acids, Bases and Salts
- CBSE Class 12 board exam: Characterization and Purification of Chemical Substances; Qualitative Analysis
National Curriculum of the Netherlands (Chemistry)
- VMBO: Eigenschappen van basen: smaak, geleidbaarheid, neutralisatiereacties; Bereiding van basen: reacties van metaaloxiden en metaalhydroxiden.
- HAVO: Sterke en zwakke basen: definities, zuur-base gedrag, pH-berekening; Titratie: zuur-base titratie, berekening van molariteit en hoeveelheid stoffen.
- VWO: Hydrolyse: reacties van zouten met water, pH van zoutoplossingen; Bufferoplossingen: buffercapaciteit, Henderson-Hasselbalch-vergelijking, toepassingen van buffers.
Scuola secondaria in Italia (Chimica)
Scuola secondaria di primo grado:
- Introduzione alle Basi e alle loro Proprietà (classe 2/3)
- Acidi, Basi e Reazioni di Neutralizzazione (classe 2/3)
- Scala del pH e Misurazione dell’Acidità e della Basicità (classe 2/3)
- Reazioni delle Basi con Acidi e Metalli (classe 2/3)
- Forza delle Basi e la loro Dissociazione (classe 3/4)
- Reazioni di Titolazione che coinvolgono le Basi (classe 3/4)
- Basi in Chimica Organica e le loro Reazioni (classe 3/4)
- Applicazioni delle Basi nella Vita Quotidiana (classe 3/4)
Scuola secondaria di secondo grado:
Next-Generation Science Standards (Physical Sciences)
- Recommended for MS (Chemical Reactions)
Cambridge (Chemistry)
IB (Science/Chemistry)
- Middle Years Programme: Chemistry: Solutions
- Diploma Programme: Acids and bases (core), Acids and bases (AHL)
National Curriculum in England (Chemistry)
- Key stage 3: Chemical reactions
- Key stage 4: Chemical changes
Indian Curriculum CBSE (Science/Chemistry)
- Secondary stage (classes 9-10): Acids, Bases and Salts
- CBSE Class 12 board exam: Characterization and Purification of Chemical Substances; Qualitative Analysis
National Curriculum of the Netherlands (Chemistry)
- VMBO: Eigenschappen van zuren: zure smaak, geleidbaarheid, zuur-base reacties; Bereiding van zuren: reacties van metaaloxiden en zouten met zuren.
- HAVO: Sterke en zwakke zuren: definities, zuur-base gedrag, pH-berekening; Neutralisatiereacties: reacties van zuren met basen, zoutvorming.
- VWO: Zuur-basereacties en evenwichten: zuur-base reactiemechanismen, evenwichtsconstanten; Titratiereacties: zuur-base titraties, berekening van molariteit en hoeveelheid stoffen.
Scuola secondaria in Italia (Chimica)
Scuola secondaria di primo grado:
- Introduzione alle Basi e alle loro Proprietà (classe 2/3)
- Acidi, Basi e Reazioni di Neutralizzazione (classe 2/3)
- Scala del pH e Misurazione dell’Acidità e della Basicità (classe 2/3)
- Reazioni delle Basi con Acidi e Metalli (classe 2/3)
- Forza delle Basi e la loro Dissociazione (classe 3/4)
- Reazioni di Titolazione che coinvolgono le Basi (classe 3/4)
- Basi in Chimica Organica e le loro Reazioni (classe 3/4)
- Applicazioni delle Basi nella Vita Quotidiana (classe 3/4)
Scuola secondaria di secondo grado:
Next-Generation Science Standards (Physical Sciences)
- Recommended for MS (Chemical Reactions)
Cambridge (Chemistry)
IB (Science/Chemistry)
- Diploma Programme: Redox processes (core), Redox processes (AHL)
National Curriculum in England (Chemistry)
- Key stage 3: Chemical reactions
- Key stage 4: Chemical changes
Indian Curriculum CBSE (Science/Chemistry)
- CBSE Class 12 board exam: Redox Reactions
National Curriculum of the Netherlands (Chemistry)
- VMBO: Basisprincipes van redoxreacties: definitie van oxidatie en reductie, algemene principes van het balanceren van reacties.
- HAVO (Hoger Algemeen Voortgezet Onderwijs): Redoxreacties: concept van redoxparen, halfreactiemethode, berekening van redoxpotentiaal.
- VWO (Voorbereidend Wetenschappelijk Onderwijs): Reactie-energie en elektrochemie: relatie tussen Gibbs-vrije energieverandering en elektrodepotentiaal, gebruik van elektrodepotentialen voor voorspelling van de richting van redoxreacties.
Scuola secondaria in Italia (Chimica)
Scuola secondaria di secondo grado:
- Ossidazione e Riduzione (classe 2/3)
- Bilanciamento delle Equazioni Redox (classe 2/3)
- Semireazioni e Numeri di Ossidazione (classe 2/3)
- Reazioni Redox in Soluzioni Acide e Basiche (classe 3/4)
- Titolazioni Redox e Applicazioni (classe 3/4)
Next-Generation Science Standards (Physical Sciences)
- Recommended for MS/HS (Chemical Reactions)
Cambridge (Chemistry)
IB (Science/Chemistry)
- Middle Years Programme: The fuel that powers you: An investigation into how energy is harnessed from a variety of different fuel sources
- Diploma Programme: Organic chemistry (core), Organic chemistry (AHL)
National Curriculum in England (Chemistry)
- Key stage 3: Measurement, Chemical reactions
- Key stage 4: Chemical changes
Indian Curriculum CBSE (Science/Chemistry)
- Secondary stage (classes 9-10): Basic Principles and Techniques; Hydrocarbons
- CBSE Class 12 board exam: Organic Chemistry – Some Basic Principles and Techniques, Hydrocarbons
National Curriculum of the Netherlands (Chemistry)
- VMBO: Alkanen: eigenschappen en structuur van verzadigde koolwaterstoffen; Alkenen: eigenschappen en structuur van onverzadigde koolwaterstoffen; Alkynen: eigenschappen en structuur van drievoudig onverzadigde koolwaterstoffen.
- HAVO: Alifatische koolwaterstoffen: vergelijkende studie van alkanen, alkenen en alkynen; Aromatische koolwaterstoffen: eigenschappen en structuur van benzeenderivaten; Functionele groepen: identificatie en vergelijking van verschillende functionele groepen in koolwaterstoffen.
- VWO: Stereochemie van koolwaterstoffen: chirale centra, enantiomeren, racematen; Reactiviteit van koolwaterstoffen: substitutiereacties, additiereacties, oxidatiereacties; Organische synthesemethoden: synthetische routes voor de bereiding van complexe koolwaterstofverbindingen.
Scuola secondaria in Italia (Chimica)
Scuola secondaria di secondo grado:
- Alcani: Struttura, Nomenclatura, Proprietà Fisiche (classe 4/5)
- Alcheni: Struttura, Nomenclatura, Isomerismo Geometrico (classe 4/5)
- Alchini: Struttura, Nomenclatura, Proprietà (classe 4/5)
- Idrocarburi Aromatici: Struttura, Anello del Benzene, Risonanza, Reazioni (classe 4/5)
- Gruppi Funzionali negli Idrocarburi: Alcoli, Aldeidi, Chetoni, Acidi Carbossilici, Esteri, Eteri (classe 4/5)
- Isomeria negli Idrocarburi: Isomeria Strutturale, Isomeria Stereoisomerica (classe 4/5)
- Combustione degli Idrocarburi: Combustione Completa e Incompleta, Impatto Ambientale (classe 4/5)
- Reazioni degli Idrocarburi: Reazioni di Addizione, Sostituzione, Eliminazione (classe 4/5)
Next-Generation Science Standards (Physical Sciences)
- MS/HS (Energy)
Cambridge (Chemistry)
IB (Science/Chemistry)
- Middle Years Programme: The fuel that powers you: An investigation into how energy is harnessed from a variety of different fuel sources
- Diploma Programme: Organic chemistry (core), Organic chemistry (AHL)
National Curriculum in England (Chemistry)
- Key stage 3: Measurement, Chemical reactions
- Key stage 4: Chemical changes
Indian Curriculum CBSE (Science/Chemistry)
- Secondary stage (classes 9-10): Basic Principles and Techniques; Hydrocarbons
- CBSE Class 12 board exam: Organic Chemistry – Some Basic Principles and Techniques, Hydrocarbons
National Curriculum of the Netherlands (Chemistry)
- VMBO: Alcoholen: eigenschappen en structuur van alcoholische verbindingen; Ethers: eigenschappen en structuur van etherverbindingen; Amines: eigenschappen en structuur van amineverbindingen.
- HAVO: Aldehyden en ketonen: eigenschappen en structuur van carbonylverbindingen; Carboxylzuren en derivaten: eigenschappen en structuur van carbonzuurverbindingen en hun derivaten; Aminozuren en eiwitten: structuur en functie van aminozuren en eiwitverbindingen.
- VWO: Synthese van zuurstofhoudende verbindingen: reacties en mechanismen voor de synthese van alcoholen, ethers, aldehyden, ketonen, carboxylzuren en derivaten; Reactiviteit van zuurstofhoudende verbindingen: oxidatiereacties, reductiereacties, nucleofiele substitutiereacties; Amines en biochemie: structuur en eigenschappen van amines, aminereacties, rol van amines in biologische systemen.
Scuola secondaria in Italia (Chimica)
Scuola secondaria di secondo grado:
- Alcoli: Struttura, Nomenclatura, Proprietà Fisiche e Chimiche, Reazioni (classe 4/5)
- Fenoli: Struttura, Nomenclatura, Proprietà Fisiche e Chimiche, Reazioni (classe 4/5)
- Aldeidi e Chetoni: Struttura, Nomenclatura, Proprietà Fisiche e Chimiche, Reazioni (classe 4/5)
- Acidi Carbossilici: Struttura, Nomenclatura, Proprietà Fisiche e Chimiche, Reazioni (classe 4/5)
- Esteri: Struttura, Nomenclatura, Proprietà Fisiche e Chimiche, Reazioni (classe 4/5)
- Eteri: Struttura, Nomenclatura, Proprietà Fisiche e Chimiche, Reazioni (classe 4/5)
- Ammine: Struttura, Nomenclatura, Proprietà Fisiche e Chimiche, Reazioni (classe 4/5)
- Ammidi: Struttura, Nomenclatura, Proprietà Fisiche e Chimiche, Reazioni (classe 4/5)
Next-Generation Science Standards (Physical Sciences)
- MS/HS (Energy)
Cambridge (Chemistry)
IB (Science/Chemistry)
- Middle Years Programme: Chemistry: Solutions, Save our GREEN planet: Explorations into sustainable living
- Diploma Programme: Biochemistry (core), Biochemistry (AHL)
National Curriculum in England (Chemistry)
- Key stage 3: Earth and atmosphere
- Key stage 4: Earth and atmospheric science
Indian Curriculum CBSE (Science/Chemistry)
- Secondary stage (classes 9-10): Environmental Chemistry
- CBSE Class 12 board exam: Biomolecules
National Curriculum of the Netherlands (Chemistry)
- VMBO: Opbouw van biomoleculen: structuur en functie van koolhydraten, lipiden, eiwitten en nucleïnezuren; Energie-omzettingen: metabolisme, glycolyse, citroenzuurcyclus en oxidatieve fosforylering; Enzymatische reacties: rol van enzymen in biochemische reacties en enzymkinetiek.
- HAVO: DNA-structuur en replicatie: opbouw van DNA, DNA-replicatie en genexpressie; Proteïnesynthese: transcriptie, translatie en eiwitsynthese; Metabolisme en bio-energetica: katabolisme, anabolisme, ATP-productie en energieomzettingen.
- VWO: Cellulaire ademhaling: aerobe en anaerobe ademhaling, fermentatie en chemiosmose; Signaaltransductie: cellulaire communicatie en regulerende mechanismen in biochemische processen; Biotechnologie: toepassing van biochemische processen in de industrie, geneeskunde en milieuwetenschappen.
Scuola secondaria in Italia (Chimica)
Scuola secondaria di secondo grado:
- Respirazione Cellulare (Biologia – classe 4/5): Questo argomento esplora il processo della respirazione cellulare, inclusa la glicolisi, il ciclo di Krebs e la fosforilazione ossidativa. Gli studenti imparano come le cellule generano ATP (adenosina trifosfato) e liberano energia dalle molecole organiche.
- Fotosintesi (Biologia – classe 4/5): Gli studenti studiano il processo della fotosintesi, comprese le reazioni dipendenti dalla luce e le reazioni indipendenti dalla luce. Apprendono come le piante e alcuni altri organismi convertano luce solare, acqua e biossido di carbonio in glucosio e ossigeno.
- Enzimi e Reazioni Enzimatiche (Biologia – classe 4/5): Questo argomento si concentra sul ruolo degli enzimi nelle reazioni biochimiche. Gli studenti apprendono la struttura, la funzione e i meccanismi catalitici degli enzimi. Studiano come gli enzimi facilitino la conversione dei substrati in prodotti e i fattori che influenzano l’attività enzimatica.
- Metabolismo e Vie Metaboliche (Biologia – classe 5): Gli studenti approfondiscono il concetto di metabolismo, inclusa le reazioni anaboliche e cataboliche. Studiano vie metaboliche come la glicolisi, il ciclo dell’acido citrico e la sintesi e il degrado delle macromolecole.
- Replicazione del DNA e Sintesi Proteica (Biologia – classe 5): Questo argomento si concentra sui processi di replicazione del DNA e sintesi proteica. Gli studenti apprendono la struttura del DNA, i meccanismi di replicazione del DNA, la trascrizione e la traduzione. Comprendono come l’informazione genetica sia conservata, replicata e utilizzata per produrre proteine.
Next-Generation Science Standards (Life Sciences)
- recommended for MS/HS (Matter and Energy in Organisms and Ecosystems)
3D Lessons
3D visualization
- Cell structure: 20+ models
- Anatomy: 50+ models
- Plants: 10+ models
- Animals: 5 models
- General biology: 10 models
- Electromagnetism: 3 models
- Crystal lattices: 5 models
- The structure of the atom: 3 models
- Сhemical reactions: 4 models
XReady Lab Supported Languages
Supported languages
- Afrikaans
- Arabic (Classic)
- Arabic (Egypt)
- Arabic (Saudi Arabia)
- Bulgarian
- Catalan (Spanish)
- Chinese (Cantonese, Traditional)
- Chinese (Mandarin, Simplified)
- Chinese (Taiwanese Mandarin)
- Croatian
- Czech
- Danish
- Dutch (Belgium)
- Dutch (Netherlands)
- English (Australia)
- English (Canada)
- English (Hongkong)
- English (India)
- English (Ireland)
- English (Kenya)
- English (New Zealand)
- English (Nigeria)
- English (Philippines)
- English (Singapore)
- English (South Africa)
- English (Tanzania)
- English (United Kingdom)
- English (US)
- Estonian
- Filipino
- Finnish
- French (Belgium)
- French (Canada)
- French (France)
- French (Switzerland)
- German (Austria)
- German (Germany)
- German (Switzerland)
- Greek
- Gujarati
- Hebrew
- Hindi
- Hungarian
- Indonesian
- Irish
- Italian
- Japanese
- Korean
- Latvian
- Lithuanian
- Malay
- Marathi
- Norwegian
- Persian
- Polish
- Portuguese (Brazil)
- Portuguese (Portugal)
- Romanian
- Russian
- Slovak
- Slovenian
- Spanish (Argentina)
- Spanish (Bolivia)
- Spanish (Chile)
- Spanish (Colombia)
- Spanish (Costa Rica)
- Spanish (Cuba)
- Spanish (Dominican Republic)
- Spanish (Ecuador)
- Spanish (El Salvador)
- Spanish (Equatorial Guinea)
- Spanish (Guatemala)
- Spanish (Honduras)
- Spanish (Mexico)
- Spanish (Nicaragua)
- Spanish (Panama)
- Spanish (Paraguay)
- Spanish (Peru)
- Spanish (Puerto Rico)
- Spanish (Spain)
- Spanish (Uruguay)
- Spanish (US)
- Spanish (Venezuela)
- Swahili (Kenya)
- Swahili (Tanzania)
- Swedish
- Tamil
- Telugu
- Thai
- Turkish
- Ukrainian
- Urdu
- Welsh
- Zulu
General Science and Creativity Tools
- VR Mission ISS
- VR Sky Gaze3
- Open Brush
- 3D Painting
- Shapes XR Design
- StellaX
- Anne Frank house
- VR7
- VRtuos8
- Supernatural